Is creating a textboard worth it? (60)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-19 14:46 ID:5d4r+wNc

Hello, i'm thinking about creating a textboard like 4-ch(channel four) but.... no one nowadays uses anymore textboards..
Should i create one?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-19 15:24 ID:cnfR4nZi


Do whatever you want to do. Your site will only be as popular as you make it to be. You can create the next Facebook but it doesn't matter if you don't make something worth people's time that they would enjoy using. If you advertise/market your site correctly and treat people nicely and have a product they like using, then you'll do just fine.

Best of luck!

3 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-19 18:20 ID:Heaven

discord is less pain in the ass, but also spies on you. Textboards are a bit easier to moderate than imageboards, worst they can do is post loli ascii art or shady links. So, answer depends on whenever you have people you want to chat with, that already aren't swallowed by other internet giants.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-20 08:49 ID:33mYqk2i


>textboards are a bit easier to moderate than imageboards

ik, i can't moderate 24/7 cp lol

5 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-20 09:30 ID:gwolJhlv

What can you bring to the table that any of the other textboards don't already do?

6 Name: OP!!Okplox+c : 2022-12-20 11:31 ID:33mYqk2i

good question

i don't know

7 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-20 14:27 ID:Heaven

I actually wanted to create a textboard + wiki + uploader hybrid site, but I can't find a good hosting. If you are willing to pay for hosting or selfhost, I would greatly appreciate that. I can't stand captcha here, I want to live in the world without captchas.

8 Name: OP!!Okplox+c : 2022-12-20 14:41 ID:33mYqk2i

very interesting..

you are searching for cheap/free webhostings?
if yes, you'll never find any, i recommend that you selfhost from home because it's not that hard and webhosting services are scams (if they not give you full control over a VPS)

i can't host for you websites that require moderation (like the hybrid upload website and wiki) but if you want to help me with the project of the textboard let me know


9 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-20 19:23 ID:YCONubDI



basically what I'm saying is that there's hundreds of dead textboards just like the one you're envisioning, and people not using textboards isn't JUST due to the rise of social media. Find something that will keep a userbase engaged and make the website stand out from the crowd.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-20 20:55 ID:Heaven


>i can't host for you websites that require moderation (like the hybrid upload website and wiki) but if you want to help me with the project of the textboard let me know

First, I can moderate your board, second, I can make it so that uploader is only functional when at least one moderator is online.

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