Is creating a textboard worth it? (60)

14 Name: OP!!Okplox+c : 2022-12-21 20:42 ID:PiJTc7yy

if you are time rich and money poor self-hosting is good for u

just give it a try, it's simple

you just need to keep one of your computer on 24/7 and connected to the internet, that's it

you need no memory if the website is small, same for bandwith, if you have problems switch ISP and buy a new hard disk

it's the simplest thing ever, you can do that even if you have a dynamic ip (with a ddns)

get a ddns ( is free and freenom is free) + download mamp and set your website (totally free) + get a reverse proxy (cloudflare is free and easy to set up)

reply if you have questions of problem


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