Is creating a textboard worth it? (60)

25 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-26 10:15 ID:Heaven

>>doesn't allow posting lolis
>Besides why allow it when it draws in good and bad people?

Because it's fucking good?
I need a place where I can be exactly the way I am, and post exactly the things I want. When I see a place that tells me "hey you can post anything you want except lolis / ntr / gore", I just go "allright, go fuck yourself, here is my entire collection of that thing you don't want". Like, fuck you, you didn't pay me to post anything anyway, why are you telling me what I can and can't say?

I miss rozenmaiden threads. You could post dolls there if you wanted, you could post gore there if you wanted, you could post lambdadelta if you wanted, you literally could do whatever the hell you liked to do. There probably were some shady things going on in those images though. Internet is such a lame place nowadays.

>As for rest of reasons, I think you should try Reddit.

Ah, yes, that great site that shadowbanned me the second I registered there. I hate how it wastes horizontal space both with chains of comments and with sidebars, and how you just can't post images there. I might try to register there again, in that prison of minds, if I'll ever need something out of them that much.

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