I’m in an er room (9)

6 Name: Anonymous : 2023-01-03 14:41 ID:q5o1oxzL


Don't mix benzodiazepines and alcohol. It causes respiratory depression (which is why your breathing becomes strained; this can kill you) and it also induces amnesia as well as confusion, which can cause you to do things that can cause danger.

If you need help sleeping after drinking (I sometimes do myself...for some reason, beer and wine causes me to get very little REM sleep, though liqour/spirits don't do this) I suggest taking diphenhydramine/DPH aka Benadryl in the North American market. It's an antihistamine that'll knock you right out and let you get a good rest. Do set an alarm, though. It'll also give you real vivid dreams which can be fun.

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