modern search engines are garbage (71)

23 Name: Anonymous : 2023-02-15 16:33 ID:xfVWkjfp

Search engines are literally becoming a mass information filtration system run by cooperations obsessed with lining their own pockets and serving ol' Uncle Sam. Imagine a library that contains all the printed knowledge in the universe, how do you impose order on this chaos? By being the one who organizes it and manages how it is presented to users. Knowledge is the key to power, not by hiding information from people but by shoving ''truth'' down their throats they become mindless drones with no independent though capacity and they then spread this ''truth'' and effectively indoctrinate each other. What does a child do today when confronted by a problem? Use his brain? Nope, they whip out the smartphone and google it. Well that's how people get all of their opinions today, outside of late night TV. Society is brainwashed and search engines, algorithms, and sooner or later AI is how they'll do it.

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