modern search engines are garbage (71)

54 Name: Anonymous : 2023-09-13 21:31 ID:syevLP5y

I've always loved surfing the internet and finding whatever I can without the use of search engines or at least not going through the top links which are served to you by either sponsors or some algorithm. I hate the new culture of zombiefied consumers who cannot do anything on their own, which is actually leading to younger generations being more tech-illiterate than you'd assume. I find new music by going through places like this or unironically digging through and other places like that. There's a local bookshop which has something like 60,000 books and it's a very tight and cosy place which I can spend hours in. Finding niche corners of the internet is always fun and I do not understand how other people cannot do it.
I was just talking about the idea of people not looking for things themselves in regards to "elitist" animes, where people simply just parrot what others say and like and never actually develop their own taste or opinions. Everyone seemingly is looking for some "ultra eccentric" thing to be apart of but are not willing to look for it or do anything so they latch on to whatever is served up to them, which may be by happenstance. The internet is filled with these stagnant and uncreative echo chambers and peoples' entire being is created through an algorithm. I've been told that I'm way to cynical about this but I think that creativity is lacking and nowadays and people would rather like what other's like to keep up with this person that they think they are. Nothing is new. The future seems to be made up of cheap subscriptions to some corporation that "has your best interests in mind." ready to serve you slop, and you'll love it. It reminds me something I saw in an MDE video which was a long rant titled "go antiquing! you never know what great things you are going to find if you'd only look!"

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