Worst thing you’ve seen online? (91)

26 Name: Anonymous : 2023-03-19 22:15 ID:XfcbtT5m


>Guys, you are not toilets!

Honestly, I think watersports is more acceptable than actual toilet use. Toilets can't consent, neither can sidewalks or brickwalls in an alleyway. That's why I cum so hard when I watch videos of girls engaging in public urination. Drunk girls being half-conscious, hoeilicious whorebags on clubby streets, letting all of their stinky booze piss ooze out of their bodies, onto the poor, unconsenting, innocent pavement. It's like rape porn I can relate to, because all girls secretly enjoy rape, but do toilets and sidewalks enjoy getting pissed, shat and puked upon? I don't think so.

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