Worst thing you’ve seen online? (91)

4 Name: Anonymous : 2023-03-14 00:45 ID:zLhZFylY

>>3 I think I saw that one too.

For me the one that stands out was seeing the footage of the Tom Pryce formula 1 crash. It was actually on youtube at the time when I saw it, maybe 2006? If you don't know about it, it was from a formula 1 race in the 70s. A car broke down mid-race and pulled up on the side of the track, where it caught fire. A marshall ran across the track with a fire extinguisher, but the race was still going and he got hit at 170mph by Welsh driver Tom Pryce. In the video you see the marshall cartwheel away through the air so fast his clothes fly off, he looks like he turns to spaghetti... but the fire extinguisher hit Pryce in the helmet, which partially decapitated him with the chin strap. You see him all bloody on the stretcher, it's horrific. I feel a bit dizzy thinking about it now... really sad...

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