Worst thing you’ve seen online? (67)

7 Name: Anonymous : 2023-03-14 01:50 ID:6QU+GaEJ

The images some of you guys post on /img/ are probably creating traumatic experiences for the 12 year olds of today.

Personally it was probably a first person perspective video of a guy bleeding out during a terrorist attack in Chechnya during the early 2000s I believe. You didn't really see anything too graphic, but the first person perspective, the sounds and then the sudden silence and lack of camera movement, I can still remember vividly. It wasn't really traumatizing and I've seen things that were visually more horrifying, but it's made me deliberately avoid those kind of videos. I'm not sure if he actually died, but if he did may he rest in peace and rise in glory.

Those spambots really make the idea of running a public site with uploads not very tempting these days. Just the other day I saw a new imageboard get hit and it went private because of that, which inherently is likely to kill it, since there wasn't much activity to begin with and the registration process requires an email.

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