textbunker.net (60, permasaged)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2023-04-16 01:19 ID:QrCtHiP4

sorry to spam. but gotta get the word out some how.


2 Name: Anonymous : 2023-04-16 04:32 ID:z4uF1Xbm

Not you again

3 Name: sage : 2023-04-16 05:40 ID:Heaven

ever notice how websites that "gotta get the word out" never last long?
oh well. heres your a for effort post.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2023-04-16 10:27 ID:W863mifP

At least the admin of this site is honest and told everyone that he would kill the board in a year, if it won't gain some activity.

5 Name: ‎‎ : 2023-04-16 11:07 ID:Heaven

I think the issue is more that they usually don't offer anything new and low effort ads are annoying to see pop up everywhere. If they at least made some OC to go with their advisement, it wouldn't be as grating.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2023-04-16 11:47 ID:LI5L997u

I couldn't post on your site, the reply buttons did nothing, probably too much modern JS or something. Saw some of the posts discussing accounts to avoid captcha and you could emulate the dial up BBS style of registration where it was just asking for a username and password + required you to answer some automated filtering questions. If you want extra protection just make it so all registrations have to be manually approved, but never make it require email or it will be dead in the water.

7 Name: textbunker.net : 2023-04-16 13:12 ID:QrCtHiP4

ever notice that the internet is dead as fuck including this place?

I might keep it online forever because my vps is cheap

my board is written completely from scratch. i didn't just copy paste existing software like 99.999% of other people do.

probably using some meme browser like palememe or librecuck.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2023-04-16 15:49 ID:Heaven

>privacy fork of firefox

I think you mixed the two up.
It's definitely not librewolf they're using because it worked in Tor Browser for me which is more restricted than Librewolf.

9 Name: : 2023-04-16 20:11 ID:Heaven


>my board is written completely from scratch. i didn't just copy paste existing software like 99.999% of other people do.

Doesn't really matter if it doesn't offer any new worthwhile features and is all janky, besides your board subject is really just a mix of /pol/n/k/x/g/, plenty of boards covering those subjects already.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2023-04-17 00:52 ID:QrCtHiP4

a few more wont hurt.

also still working on the place.

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