textbunker.net (61, permasaged)

41 Name: Anonymous : 2023-04-26 17:02 ID:2FsGD2Pt

I thought that was the reason behind the split to SFW sub-boards being on 4channel.org and the NSFW ones being on 4chan.org? Regardless, 4chan dying off could (emphasis on could) be a benefit. I don't think board users would manage to live on Twitter or alike, so the community would potentially spawn dozens of smaller sites, more dedicated to specific interests.

In general, I do still think there's hope for a better online landscape. People are VERY gradually splintering off to less concentrated 'services' like Mastodon. I think it shows that some people still have a desire to find their own corners somewhere outside of the whirlwind of modern internet.

I guess whether or not that change will properly manifest remains to be seen.

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