textbunker.net (60, permasaged)

46 Name: Anonymous : 2023-04-28 16:52 ID:2FsGD2Pt


>/pol/ users disappear to mastodon or twitter or that trump thing
>remaining technically adapt users build their own little boards for a few dozen users

I see no downsides here, besides for maybe giving the media the victory they don't deserve.


>that bad reputation hurts pretty much all text/imageboards

Well it's not 4chan alone, but with /pol/ and 8chan being what they are, the media is doing its darndest to paint anonymity as some sort of inherent evil. Probably because their shareholders are hankering for some more of your private data and IDs and whatnot.

Seriously, though. The internet isn't locked down, and if you want to get your own paradise up free of the usual social media trappings, you can probably get a forum or board running by using an old gaming PC and a bit of elbow grease. I had a little chat with a few people inspired by the discussions here, and I'm sure there's a lot of people out there who would appreciate a less shit platform to talk on.

Spamming may suck, but I'll still give props to the few people advertising their weirdo sites here just cuz it's keeping the spirit alive, lol.

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