What is the best english alternative to the original 2channel? (25)

21 Name: Anonymous : 2023-06-10 21:10 ID:qVuw4tUf

Yeah, Reddit has that 2channel feel with the mix of being a mainstream normie accessible site but also a hive of weird internet cultures. But it all feels too gentrified now. Subreddits really don't feel like communities the way internet forums or chans do. It's pretty soulless and barren and like 4chan the moderation is arbitrary, but in this case it's excessive. Aside from the upvote system and the annoying way in which threads are organized, the worst thing about Reddit is the insufferable site culture.

Reddit is a for profit company with all the corporate bureaucracy, whereas sites like 2channel and 4chan were just regular websites started up and run by just a handful of people with a lot of back and forth with the user base. That's 90% of the reason Reddit sucks shit and doesn't have the charm of older forums and imageboards.

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