Does anyone give a fuck about 9/11 anymore? (8)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2023-09-11 18:45 ID:gBmqUsQL

They say never forget but nobody really cares. The Bush era is something everybody wants to forget about and move on with their lives. Maybe they'll shut up about 9/11 now? It's like the 80s where the Soviets were the evil empire and we really don't care anymore. Maybe we'll look back on the Bush-Blair years with nostalgia too? There's already hype about "Y2K aesthetic" on the internet and people are buying up thinkpads and unix workstations. What next? 'nam movies set in Iraq? That whole era was so dumb.

Who will be the new enemy? Russia? China? Trumpers? All three? Let's face it, Russia isn't a superpower anymore, China isn't really all that scary, and Trumpers are just slightly more obnoxious normies. America feels more and more like Soviet Russia. We all know things aren't okay but everybody pretends shit is fine and follows the party line. The country is surveillence state ruled by senile old men. The Russians call this hypernormalization. It's like we're all living in a fake reality now.

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