4-ch 20th birthday (18)

7 Name: Anonymous : 2023-10-03 13:46 ID:TfSsNQKR

Hiro was collecting data of 2ch users (including credit card info) and selling them to a data mining company which all came out in the 2014 leak. Behind everyone’s back, he ran a paid service which allowed a bunch of corporations and the LDP to remove negative comments about them from the site and flood the place with ads and ultra nationalist bots. After his Jim took control of 2ch, Hiro begun launching daily DDoS attacks on it. He also put out a statement threatening to sue the unpaid volunteers who ran the site and demanded compensation from them. This caused massive outrage against him. Before this Hiro was seen as a Stallman type freetard but clearly he glows brighter than the water at Fukushima.

Explains a lot about 4chan these days. It’s filled with racists /pol/ freaks, porn addicts with blistered cocks and law enforcement. He’s probably selling all their info to the feds too. Since gook took the reigns from Moot all that yellow nigger has done is make the site worse.

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