I have moved on from talking about Olympic mascots (6)

1 Name: ゼリーさん !smz6IUT2D2 : 2024-08-11 04:59 ID:Heaven

In the recent months, I've slowly moved away from talking about Olympic mascots on textboards and imageboards... I just want to talk like the typical textboard and imageboard user as intended. Because of this, I have abandoned my Olympic mascot past on this site. From now on, I will discuss and make non-Olympic mascots AA (any AA of the 2ch characters or others.) _| ̄|○

2 Name: Anonymous : 2024-08-11 05:09 ID:Heaven

I'm still going to make raa-kun rape art whenever I see fit (^з^)-☆

3 Name: Anonymous : 2024-08-12 01:27 ID:/OATfgjg

Make some art of French mascots swimming in the Seine while Clonepa and Giko shits in it

4 Name: Anonymous : 2024-08-13 15:05 ID:K9MSw8Gv

my fetish is being with a naked hot girl inside a mascot costume that slowly takes it off and i can fuck her as i see her silly mascot head that she is still wearing.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2024-08-26 18:43 ID:Heaven

you will never be a typical textboard user

6 Name: Anonymous : 2024-08-26 19:37 ID:Heaven

In 10 years he will have taken his mascot obsession far enough to live in Japan.

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