What's the best way of ensuring maximum anonymity and security online? (11)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2024-10-14 00:05 ID:zDri2hRu

Ip leaks are prevalent as fuck on the internet and of course 4chan. What's the best way to avoid this issue?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2024-10-14 03:22 ID:szbqKVAj

It really depends on what you are trying to achieve and who you are trying to hide from, but since you explicitly stated, that you need "maxmimum anonymity and security online", I recommend you look into Whonix. Whonix runs in two virtual machines - the gateway and the workstation. The workstation is where you do your work and a gateway, that handles all the network traffic, which it routes through Tor. Whonix is designed in a way, that makes it very hard for malware to get your real IP address and other possibly personally identifiable data. Whonix is based on Kicksecure (a Debian distribution) and has a variety of security features to protect you even further than just with Tor-ification (like Tails OS would for example). You can use KVM, Virtualbox, Qubes OS' virtualization or even separate the workstation and gateway physically, and use a Raspberry PI or old laptop. For browsing on Whonix, it's recommended to disable Javascript whenever possible, as this is the single most factor, that leads to deanonymization. Also separate your online activities and don't use the same connection for different things. Of course this is just scratches the surface, but getting Whonix is a good start.

I recommend reading through the Whonix Wiki, as it gives a good introduction to online anonymity, even when you are not using Whonix. There are other approaches to ensuring "maximum anonymity and security", but this should be the most approachable.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2024-10-14 03:39 ID:zDri2hRu


Huh, i'll try that out. Are there options available for mobile In case my pc crashes?

4 Name: Anonymous : 2024-10-14 06:51 ID:szbqKVAj

There really isn't much to be anonymous as a phone user. As bad as it sounds, with an ordinary phone, you should be assuming it's collecting all the data it can and listening at all times. This isn't a hyperbole, but what you should be assuming at all times. There are ways to anonymize your traffic on Android, but they are spare and functionally far far away from what Whonix does. If you really need to rely on anonymity and security, I recommend you try fixing your PC problems and use Whonix if you need to rely on anonymity and security.

As far as phones go, there is Orbot for routing traffic through Tor for apps selectively and there is Tor-Browser for Android, both of which can be downloaded from their respective websites, but they are subpar solution if you really need rely on being anonymous, as phones are just not made for providing a secure and anonymous environment.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2024-10-14 08:12 ID:zDri2hRu

Fuck, guess I'll stick with pc. Thought I could find one good enough for 4chan on mobile.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2024-10-14 10:09 ID:zDri2hRu

BTW, you got any more ways for mobile

7 Post deleted.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2024-10-16 13:04 ID:Heaven

Why do you think that so-called "IP leaks" are a form of security breach. That's a retarded take on Internet security.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2024-10-17 08:57 ID:zDri2hRu

Cause they leak your location you mentally disabled moorn

10 Name: Anonymous : 2024-10-18 10:51 ID:Heaven

Wow. You're located in Country X. They've finally got you now you mentally sufficient moorn.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2024-10-19 09:44 ID:Heaven

>>9 U da moorn LOL

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