this is cool :P
you are cool ;p
Penguins are cool
lolis are cool
Old Chryslers are cool
Lolis are in heat
heat is cool
I wish lolis got in heat like cats do.
Taking this 10get and curb stomping you on my way out.
Well this escalated quickly.
You're the violent nigger.
The gentleman just wants some lolicats in heat.
oh is this the thread where we gratuitously say "nigger" again?
also someone mentioned cats.
H.P. Lovecraft quality thread confirmed
>>17 Wrong!!! I have never and would never say the “N” word or “gentleman” or describe anything as “in heat”. Don't make silly assumptions on an anonymous board! “Obvious” doyyy!
We're not the same person. I would never ask a rhetorical question. I also don't call people nigger, but I figured I'd point out his hypocrisy by calling people niggers while advocating blind violence.
i farted
vc: pox
I understand sage and age, but sometimes I see boards where people are using "rage" as well. Can some kind person please explain for me, what does rage mean?