This is retarded. A few days have already passed and it's still blocked. How fucking long is temporary?
Do you only speak English? Language is education, and a difficult language requires dedication and intelligence to efficiently learn.
that's why smart people learn languages of smart people, not stupid japtalk, language of undervaccinated infantile anime wankers.
No shame in that. Enjoy your monolingual life.
Japanese is one of the three most difficult languages to learn for westerners, together with Chinese and Arabic.
I don't see what you have against the language other than you not liking anime which is only a fraction of Japan's culture.
What is a language you'd call "language of smart people" exactly?
All languages take dedication to get proficient in so I won't denigrate the language, but I am curious. Unless there is no such language and you're just being an angry little contrarian retard because someone else suggest you learn a language and you didn't want that so now you need to insult them to feel like you won something(?)
Japan doesn't have any culture, totally fake society.
> What is a language you'd call "language of smart people" exactly?
yep. culture is what makes a man a warrior. japs are muzzled jabbed government worshipping cigs smoking cattle.
Your mother is a warrior (she ''fights'' day and night against multiple opponents).
Can you put Fusianasan in your email field so I can help get you unbanned on 4chan and stay there?
I do indeed encourage retards to learn Japanese, it's okay when they waste time and keep away from Internet amap.
The dumb nigger man learns Japanese.
The smart aryan man learns Chinese.
You think that moron even knows Chinese is several different languages all being called Chinese? He doesn't speak a lick of Chinese, all he knows is English and being a dick online.
Chinese is also for retards. Spiritual languages are Russian, German, Spanish. English is the world language, and is awsome, must have.
>>39 Try to type in English better before you call anyone else a retard
shill goes ad hominem, lol. find yourself another job, moron.
I don't think you know what ad hominem means, because there were no ad hominem statements in the post you replied to, and then you referred to some job you just imagined.
shill, you are transparent and very stupid. if you were smart, you wouldn't be a shill. now reply "poop", as per your shilling instructions.
>Ad hominem refers to a rhetorical strategy where the speaker attacks the character, motive, or some other attribute of the person making an argument rather than the substance of the argument itself.
>>47 Great job! Now point out where that happened in >>40's post. You'll notice >>39 referred to people who speak Chinese as retards, but then couldn't spell “awesome” in English. That was the substance of >>40's post. There was nothing else about his character, motive, or anything else, not even an insult.
>>46 Why are you calling everyone a shill? How recently did you learn this word?
her inability to spell "awesome" has nothing to do with the fact that chinks are retards. it's a logical fallacy through and through
Holy shit can the sage double poster/proxy poster and new shill poster leave already.
They should both leave 4-ch and have gay sex with each other.
"Um i'm not a proxy poster! I swear you're just schizo and I am oldfag!!!"
Its so obvious that you might as well have ChatGPT start writing some of your posts.
>>52 That wasn't what was said, read it again. You've taken something I didn't say and pointed out how stupid it was - what's that called again? It seems your reading comprehension is equal to your writing ability. At least you can see there was nothing ad hominem about the previous post.
You find the way I'm talking obnoxious? That's good, because it's supposed to be obnoxious :) I'm deliberately condescending to someone who is demonstrating lower intelligence. I could write a list of your obnoxious qualities! But the way you've used the name field for a postscript thought is cute, very Tumblr. And “saging” haha. Would you mind recording a vocaroo of you saying that out loud? What are you bringing to the table except poor grammar and brainless memespeak?
>the sage double poster/proxy poster and new shill poster
That's at least 4 people you're describing.
>Its so obvious
because people have been replaced with shills like you, shill
vaccinate all shills, ten times in a row