Help me choose a new hobby (103)

1 Name: Maredsous : 2006-04-29 07:07 ID:Wl7genXi

I just started to look at this site and decided this place might be a good place to ask a serious question with anonymity. I have a small problem. I'm 23 and my two main interests, video games and anime/manga, are started to become boring to me. After so much exposure, more than enough for a lifetime even, I think I should truly move on and look for something new.

I talked with some of my friends and a couple ideas sparked my interest. Here's a short list of ideas I have that I've liked so far:
Target shooting w/rifles
Beer brewing

I've thrown out hobbies like photography and music(anything related) due to general apathy. I'd like something that would keep me somewhat active (why archery and boxing are there), but would like something that can be truly affected by changes that I can make (why rifles and beer brewing are there). I tend to like the idea of messing around with something to make it better, which is why I liked playing some cRPGs and some racing games with tuning. I like beer and wine, but I'm not exactly sure I'd want to suffer through the experimentation of making my own. Boxing sounds fun, but would be tough to find space for the stand and bag. Rifle shooting sounds like the best option, but I don't have the money for what I want yet (I liked the feel of the Ruger Mini-14 which is ~$600).

I want some other ideas, but something that isn't related to anime or video games. I thought it might be possible to have all my bases covered if I asked as many people as possible. Thanks in advance.

44 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2006-10-11 02:23 ID:XIHKPRk3


Target shooting w/rifles
i used to do that for a while but after a few weeks it got extremly boring i wont recommend this to anyone unless you are planning to shoot in the world finals or sth

I know a few guys who are brewing alcohol but most time you are just waiting and if youre unlucky it tastes horrible

Martial Arts is my favourite its a sport where you train your whole body and it might come in handy someday - its also lots of fun because it involves other people

to write a play or a poem can also be entertaining - just try it

45 Name: Hobby guy : 2006-10-11 02:58 ID:IZSTB4tg

marksmanship is a great past time. I have never known anyone who tried it that got bored with it. It is chalenging and requires much in the way of control and practice. It teaches you great discipline and focus too. It is something you can always get beter and beter at. If you are not a "gun person" you may not like it but boring it isnt. There are also lots of groups and such you can get into with a a vast diversity of people in it in which to meet! I have been involved in martial arts as well ( Kali for near 20 years now) It too is fun, but the majority of the people I have met are ninja wanabes who talk far too much about "what I would do to someone if they tried something on me" There is also little camraderie outside the school. You definatly need to give ANYTHING you try more than "A FEW WEEKS" that aproach is imature and will get you no where. Whatever you try, REALLY give it a try, and for gods sake...Dont start writing poetry, next thing you know youll be walking around with a ponytail creeping out women.....

WTF IS molon labe anyways?

46 Name: Notch : 2006-10-11 03:00 ID:IZSTB4tg

Google it... Good history lesson. They are making a movie about the battle it stems from! What it is TODAY is the battle cry for your rights!

47 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2006-10-11 03:26 ID:XIHKPRk3


lol a very sophisticated view of poetry indeed
i assume you spent more than just "A FEW WEEKS" with it to achieve these insights.

of course marksmanship can be a very interesting sport too first I was quite motivated about it but then i lost interest because it seemed to be always the same - and nobody can tell me that it is by any chance more diversified than martial arts

well I met a vast diversity of people at martial arts - and nice ones too!

@topic i forgot diving - its fun!

48 Name: Hobby guy... : 2006-10-12 14:37 ID:IZSTB4tg

No never tried writing poetry, not interested. As a voracious reader I have read it quite a bit though, I find it too self involved. It was you who said you gave things a few weeks, not me. Martial arts group diverse? Somewhat, but as I said, too many ninja wanabes. Thats why I stick to Kali, not as much possing. My lack of apreciation for poetry does not indicate lack of sophistication. I just think most of it is silly and not really a hobby.

49 Name: In-Sanity : 2006-10-16 18:38 ID:TOOjEiEf

Why dont u try something something creative like artwork. why not try making a digital artwork, surrealism is fun aswell. since u've been playing games and watching anime u might have some talent on that.

50 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2006-11-05 13:26 ID:Heaven

How To Fold A Paper Crane


51 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2006-12-10 08:42 ID:8WHSzstw


Men need to cook.

Also, delicious food is a fantastic hobby. Cooking keeps you slim if you don't load up unhealthy calories.

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53 Name: Oily Skin : 2006-12-29 09:36 ID:shaMYwZP


Well dude, you can combine Archery and Target shooting.

I would highly recomend boxing it's really fun and awsome exercise. and beer brewing is not really the time demanding so you could combine it with some outher hobby.

If you thinking of becoming a boxer I would highly recomend that, you start training in a boxing gym. you wont become a boxer just by hitting on a sandbag. :)

Good luck

54 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-01-16 09:49 ID:nwh98GML

If beer brewing is interesting to you and you like to experiment, try growing and breeding rare plants. Orchids, chillies, pot, etc.
Since the time investment isn't too big, you can combine it with a sport. I recommend boxing, too.

55 Name: ManGhan : 2007-02-04 15:49 ID:zKu1eBh3

i don wanna seen as an idiot or something but it your life. if you are bored of it, then go back home , talk to your freinds & family and walk around alone, enjoy the scenery & stuff.

i mean you live your life once on this world, regardless of what your faith is anyway. if you're buddhish or sort, reincart. x= same people again. if you're muslim, chirstian @ jew, life is short and just once. do your best,earn good point and die happily.

what's ever you new hobby, do your best in it, stand back up if you fall and if you're bored again, find another. atleast you learn somthing.

p.s: i'm also don't have a hobby (much) or maybe cursin around is my hobby or laughting or.... bro, life's short, heaven or hell is for eternity (if you belive it, cos i do). please, if you're so f*&king bored of your life, DON'T COMMIT SUICIDE. JUST GO TO SLEEP, MAN COS I BET YOU ARE TIRED.

56 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-02-04 15:52 ID:zKu1eBh3


57 Name: hotaro : 2007-02-07 19:09 ID:4pMBcyMn

my personal favorite thing to do when i'm at home alone and i got nothing else to do i like to take a pig by the hunches and ram right into their flabby asses so i think u should try it...really fun and it's the new in

58 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-03-26 00:30 ID:wbx8g6ZD

Beer Brewing - Pro: Fairly cheap. Con: Beer Gut from self-samplings

Boxing - Pro: Comes in handy if someone is hassling your gf. Con: See Con Air

Archery - Pro: Able to survive in post-apocalyptic world. Con: Might as well get elf ears. 1/2 elf dual-class ranger FTW

59 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-03-26 07:13 ID:baaWWzUV

I think >>55 summed up this thread nicely when he said:

i don wanna seen as an idiot or something but it your life. if you are bored of it, then go back home , talk to your freinds & family and walk around alone, enjoy the scenery & stuff.

i mean you live your life once on this world, regardless of what your faith is anyway. if you're buddhish or sort, reincart. x= same people again. if you're muslim, chirstian @ jew, life is short and just once. do your best,earn good point and die happily.

what's ever you new hobby, do your best in it, stand back up if you fall and if you're bored again, find another. atleast you learn somthing.

p.s: i'm also don't have a hobby (much) or maybe cursin around is my hobby or laughting or.... bro, life's short, heaven or hell is for eternity (if you belive it, cos i do). please, if you're so f*&king bored of your life, DON'T COMMIT SUICIDE. JUST GO TO SLEEP, MAN COS I BET YOU ARE TIRED.

60 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-04-01 01:55 ID:BHHR956Y


And if you take up game hunting, like grouse, with a bow, you can combine target shooting, archery and cooking too.

61 Name: Seraphius : 2007-04-01 02:56 ID:hWt3tRps

I'm 23 and I just started learning martial arts, even though it's kinda out of the norm for me. You do start to appreciate some of the anime and films better that include martial arts as well.

62 Name: !8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2007-04-09 23:00 ID:sIGJ6VJy

I think a great new hobby would be subscribing to my channel, watching and commenting on my vids all day and all night. Many people fill their days this way and everyone is very happy.

and you'll never be alone again.

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66 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-04-10 10:24 ID:W06sVDzi

how about filming? posting krap up onto youtube or sumthing...seems like a great past time especially if you have artistic talents

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72 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-04-25 20:36 ID:Heaven

bad hobby.

73 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-06-07 15:26 ID:nHQsRsNN

try a martial art, it'll keep you in shape and its fun too,
tae kwon do has a lot of kool moves and if you like kicking, especially kicking high, try it

i hear kendo's good too, i saw a kendo demo once, it was really kool, just make sure that you have all the protective gear on tight

74 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-06-07 15:44 ID:Heaven


>>tae kwon do has a lot of kool moves and if you like kicking, especially kicking high, try it
>>has a lot of kool moves and if you like kicking
>>kool moves and if you like kicking
>>kool moves


75 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-06-08 09:04 ID:JEexZgDG

Fencing, Kendo
Snowboarding, Skateboarding
Paint balling
Billiards, Bowling
Learn to play an instrument (Electric guitar, keyboard, flute)

76 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-06-08 15:42 ID:nHQsRsNN

poker!!! try it maybe even make it into those big poker tournaments
(or just end up losing all your money)
ok maybe not poker

77 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2011-05-01 12:11 ID:X73cypuz

78 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2012-06-10 14:19 ID:VleX++Nh

Target shooting w/o rifles (handguns)

79 Name: san : 2012-06-15 09:07 ID:+KDPIpNq

80 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2015-09-06 19:35 ID:eP8TvyaR

you could try cycling, you can explore your local area and enjoy nature trails
You could also get into solving puzzles or reading because you can take those with you on your rides. Reading can expand your thoughts and experience, but only if you read the right books, ones that make you think and not only long fantasy series that are "good vs. bad".

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83 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2015-09-08 14:25 ID:K3IUOWRz

dis nigga replyed to a 9 yo post

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85 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2018-05-30 03:20 ID:ZaFFgD/7

Become a micronationalist and start your own country. It will teach you how government works and give you a false sense of power to inflate your ego.

86 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2018-05-30 14:19 ID:Heaven

Cool things I've dabbled in that I wish people had told me about earlier:

-Learning a language: not as hard as people say. Even if you only learn a little, it's guaranteed to come in super useful unless you're learning a dead language like Scottish or something. But that's cool too.

-Rhythm Games: a once-popular but now recovering field. There's a growing network of Dance machines in America and Europe and other Rhythm Games like beatmania or maimai are starting to make appearances too. A low entry barrier, high learning curve hobby with a lot of fantastic music to discover, though it helps if you are already into Japan or Korea.

-Board Games: not much to say here other than if you haven't closely examined boardgames before, there's a lot more to offer here than monopoly or cards against humanity. Look for a board game meet near your home and try out some nice tabletop games with a complexity designed for adults. A great way to pass the time.

-Blockchain: regardless of whether you believe in cryptocurrencies, there's a lot of cool solutions offered by blockchain technologies. Though part of my interest may be due to the fact it's still an emerging field as of this post.

-Visual Novels: some of the greatest works of literature but most require a huge repertoire of horrible otaku knowledge and familiarity to really enjoy them. If you're already a trashy human being such as myself, you have nothing to lose by getting into these. Normal people: stay away. These will ruin your life. I suppose these are pretty mainstream nowadays what with the advent of "visual novels on steam".

-Mahjong: Just like people here mention Go, Mahjong is a pretty sweet table game that is overlooked by many in favour of it's more popular reinterpretation as Mahjong Solitaire. I'm still pretty new to it though.

-Amateur Radio: not enough of a scene for this in my area but still a really cool use of cool tech. Worth a look if you are interested in trying something new.

I've been considering some others, such as playing piano, cooking, digital art and studying philosophy, but I spend a lot as it is on my current interests and don't have a lot of free time right now. I plan to write stories someday (but likely through a non-paper medium).

87 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2021-03-28 08:54 ID:nOLaXpUA

88 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2021-04-12 00:37 ID:+gFHXmmL

89 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2021-05-07 05:38 ID:+gFHXmmL

90 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2021-06-30 03:19 ID:+gFHXmmL

Walk a lot.

91 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2021-09-14 15:56 ID:C79i5CWq


92 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2021-09-21 17:52 ID:cAxAQ9Zj

If you're looking for board games, I recommend chess:

  • High skill ceiling
  • There's almost always a chess club or tournament nearby
  • Great way to meet people
  • Free / Open Source chess websites (lichess)

I got into it a couple of months ago and am really enjoying it.

93 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2021-09-29 02:54 ID:8mLDtZ/r

olympic masterbation

94 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2022-10-23 07:33 ID:Pb1fRGvy

wonder if op ever found his new hobby?
perhaps he became a beer swilling target archer/boxer

95 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2022-10-24 11:55 ID:ZY9kfNMA

lol wondering the same. maybe when he gets sick of his new hobby he'll revisit this thread for another suggestion.

96 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2022-11-14 09:52 ID:DFGOQT6Y

HEMA (historical european martial arts).
It's just every kind of swordfighting grouped into one.
Longswords, rapiers, sabres, arming swords and more of all styles and eras. Try to find a local club. A (training) sword is $200 and the safety equipment is a few hundred, but you only need that once you move onto sparring.

97 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2023-01-04 15:32 ID:k46jLrzA

Hey OP. Definitely try archery! It's a very fun hobby. All you need is a target and now.

For a target, you can buy something like old hay bales and old rug (so the arrows don't go through and kill anyone) set against a fence or wall. But ideally, you can order a target off of Amazon or somewhere.

For a bow, you determine what kind you want. Modern? Traditional? Recurve? Then you find the size and what is called the weight. Search online for more info on this. I personally use traditional Korean horse bows, one from Kaya:

It's hard at first and takes a while to learn how to properly shoot. You'll miss a lot. But in time you'll become the best archer in the land. You can also join an archery club at some point where you'll have access to a lot of targets to use and can get pro tips for shooting. Have fun if you decide to try it!

98 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2023-05-14 16:21 ID:BrZOY4R4

he dead bro

99 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2023-05-18 04:26 ID:5hoK6Pr+

Wonder how he died?
Maybe heroin became his hobby and that done him in.

100 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-02-06 20:30 ID:P41fgKN6

you are lying

101 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-02-14 10:24 ID:yB5Hx/2X

102 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-02-28 03:37 ID:+gFHXmmL

Competitive eating like Beardmeetsfood and Zermatt Neo.

103 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-04-16 10:24 ID:Heaven

Geocaching is fun, and gets you out of the house! Like every hobby ever, the """community""" is pretty cringe, but thankfully you never have to actively engage with it as part of the sport.

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