Weeaboo... they just want to be Japanese, or any Asian is okay? (140)

1 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-07-26 02:03 ID:bJ1eQ2eE

I have always wondered about that. It seems like some weeaboo only wants "authentic" Japanese things, ie Japanese girls, Japanese music, and Japanese people to be friends with, while others seem like they'll take anything/anyone that is Asian. This guy I know is dating a Chinese girl, and he's weeaboo. So, does it depend on the individual weeaboo? Or will they accept all things Asian (Japanese being the best)?

2 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-07-27 01:48 ID:Heaven

Often to these people, Asian is a synonym for Japanese

3 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-07-27 16:23 ID:2sE6i4Kk

Yeah, I think a true Weeaboo has a very thin grasp on what Japan actually is.

4 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-07-27 23:31 ID:HaIVFK8q

Israelis are asians. Weeaboos like asians. DOWN WITH THE ZIONIST WEEABOOS!

5 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-08-01 05:47 ID:HvMsb6ta

If I like Japanese pop culture and am learning Japanese, but still have a firm grasp of the notion that working in Japan mostly SUCKS, and that the traditional culture is often incomprehensible, am I still Weeaboo?

6 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-08-02 04:59 ID:9YkbjwYm

  ‶ " ″    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ミ ゜Д ゜彡 < If you have to ask, the answer is yes.
   ″〟‶    \_______________

7 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-08-03 21:55 ID:bcl293W5

Pfffth. The majority fuckers (60%) only like Anime and Pop Culture because it's shiny. They only have hobbies, like Star Wars Obsessives.

8 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-08-10 11:35 ID:ZI+oDF4/

so... i'm an overseas chinese, but i like japanese pop culture and i'm learning japanese, am i weeaboo?

9 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-08-11 03:03 ID:IGdW/jbQ

Being a weeaboo, unlike being wapanese, does not require that one be caucasian.

10 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-08-11 05:11 ID:L481HxZl

I only do true Japanese.

11 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-08-11 22:34 ID:1Of5pCjc

You forget that weeaboo = wapanese.

12 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-10-26 15:48 ID:Vy0uoXI3

Israelis have, for the most part, Jewish blood, which makes them either Sephardic (vaguely Middle Eastern/Mediterranean/ Northern African) or Ashkenazi (vaguely European/Russian). Neither of those really count as Asian.

13 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-10-29 20:10 ID:89uX+n6x

Huh? Jewish blood and ashkeNAZI?

14 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-11-02 02:04 ID:Heaven

kill yourself

15 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-11-10 04:42 ID:2OnYm8bc

I had the impression that with regards to women, Japanese women are on an unattainable goddess like level to weaboos stuck in their homeland. Thus they often settle with anything else that's Asian. Usually Filipinos, Thais and to a lesser extent, Chinese.

16 Name: anomalous : 2007-11-11 20:15 ID:LxAkur2P

why does everything have to have a label?
Like labeling caucasians who are interested in asian culture negatively.
I found 4-ch.net because I was interested in anonymous messageboards.But I invented it in my own mind before I discovered the site.

Hope you don't mind a question from a newbie.What do you people do here besides say rediculous things to insult each other?

Don't you know that anonymity allows your ideas the same consideration as those of an expert because you have no previous reputaion to uphold them?

I would think you would need good moderation to keep the posts on topic. hehe

17 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-11-12 03:46 ID:Heaven

(・∀・) Grandpa, what do you people do here besides say rediculous things to insult each other?

( ´ω`) Sometimes we say rediculous things just for the hell of it.

18 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-11-13 14:33 ID:Heaven

> Hope you don't mind a question from a newbie.What do you people do here besides say rediculous things to insult each other?

Well..if you really must ask, I also like to correct people's spelling.

But all anal-ness aside, a lot of people on the internet need an occasional reality check. On anonymous boards you learn to take yourself and others less seriously, which comes at the price of a bogus reputation and avatar.

19 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-12-24 22:07 ID:TKF0vH0Y

Oh hay gaiz, wuts goin on in dis thread.

From the weeaboos I've seen, they want to be either Korean or Japanese.
I did see this one guy who said he was Asian, but he wasn't and when I asked he said he wanted to be Chinese, being part Chinese myself I made fun of that faggot.


20 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-12-26 10:09 ID:FFf9ebT9

How does this work, exactly? Does a white guy just decide one day "okay, I'm now asian" and then start telling people he's asian with a straight face? Who is going to buy that? They'd have to already look pretty asian to pull it off.

21 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-12-27 03:54 ID:xi2I+0pA


Basically, they just watch a looooot of anime, learn japanese, adopt the general tone of an anime character, go to japan, and witness thier carefully constructed tower of illusion come crashing down when they realize that japanese cartoons are about as realistic as american ones.

22 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-12-27 12:07 ID:FFf9ebT9

I dunno, while I was over there, I saw a guy on a train watching porn on his PSP while a young boy was on the next seat over. And I saw a really drunk salaryman with a tie tied around his head like a headband, being guided home by his coworker. Both of these things were exactly what I expected.

23 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-01-04 18:38 ID:ejpys5BH

I think their society is just plain screwed up.
Not like there are any perfect ones around the globe, but Japan, well, it's weird. And since my everyday life has many of them, I really think they have some issues. >>22 has a few things that show this.

24 Name: ( ・-・) : 2008-01-08 18:11 ID:Heaven

( ・-・) Junior, Grandpa, it is spelt "Ridiculous". Try saying it. "RI-diculous".

25 Name: ( ´ω`) : 2008-01-08 22:27 ID:cYNQazqE


26 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-01-10 14:00 ID:Heaven

Red dick louse

27 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-02-11 01:09 ID:gYUWmhSL

re di ku rousu desu ( ^ _ ^ )

28 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-02-11 20:26 ID:Heaven

If your Asian cultural knowledge is even slightly more than casual, then you'll be able to tell the difference between Japan, China, and Korea, enough to realize that the countries are not interchangeable. And weeaboos count as slightly more than casual.

Even the typical casual geek can at least tell you which country is more Starcraft-obsessed, which country has its internet filtered politically, and where the anime comes from. For bonus points, ask them anything at all about contemporary Vietnam or Singapore.

So, it's safe to say they'll pick a country, based on the initial thing that turned them away from American culture in the first place. If it's anime, sushi, console games, or Hello Kitty, it'll be Japan. And who's to say they won't pick a prefecture, even?

Are there Westerners who wish they were Korean or Chinese to that kind of extent? Japan exports its culture so much more effectively, that it's hard to imagine that being the case.

29 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-02-17 11:44 ID:4f2BYsBe


30 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-02-18 17:22 ID:Heaven

BELONGS TO CHINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

31 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-02-20 17:12 ID:eOjMFnF1

I know a chinese girl who wants to be a korean. It's scary. She always talks about their celebs and is trying to learn korean. What do i call her then? a Koreaboo?

32 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-02-20 20:16 ID:E+As+vnx

NO IT DOESN'T! They are seperate countries.

33 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-02-20 23:03 ID:Heaven

the term weeaboo is from some pbf comic and it's gibberish. trying to form something by analogy to it doesn't really make sense.

for her i guess plain crazy would suffice.

for me myself i am interested in china and korea, japan not so much. but one day i will get around to things like reading basho's poetry.

34 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-02-21 06:56 ID:GKNk8sE8

what i don't understand is, how come there are so many more people who are interested in the korean or japanese culture than the chinese culture?

the japanese and korean did get a lot of influence from the chinese. i find it kind of shallow that these people prefer the shiny, pretty stuff like anime over actual traditional culture.

35 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-02-21 11:30 ID:Heaven

A kink?

36 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-02-24 01:16 ID:Heaven

it's more basely entertaining to watch an anime on one's computer than it is to go to a museum

37 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-02-25 14:59 ID:pCl4aplm

>>32 WOOT!!

>>31 She probably just likes the tv shows and singers, a lot of asians like stars from other asian countries.

>>34 "shiny, pretty stuff" = answers your question, >>36 gets it.

38 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-03-02 06:42 ID:i87V7A0b


>the term weeaboo is from some pbf comic and it's gibberish. trying to form something by analogy to it doesn't really make sense.

"Koreaboo" is a pretty firmly established term at least on 4chan, though.


I've been strongly interested in traditional Japanese culture, ever since a teacher in high school introduced us to it. I ended up spending WAY too much time seriously studying Japanese history, language, literature, music (traditional and modern), and more...

It's alright, though. Thanks to my knowledge, I ended up in a position where I'm constantly travelling back and forth between Japan and the USA on somebody else's dime. It's a weeaboo's dream.

39 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-03-04 13:02 ID:Heaven

Weeaboo is to Wapanese as Koreaboo is to Koreanese. Or should that be Kappanese?

40 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-03-27 09:57 ID:2hFXFMA6

I'm a weeabooian wapanese asian.

41 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-03-31 18:13 ID:w4Pg/gVN

>>on somebody else's dime


42 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-04-03 14:56 ID:paa456BJ

Only japan only.////////////////////////////////////////////

43 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-04-03 14:56 ID:paa456BJ

Only japan only.////////////////////////////////////////////

44 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-04-11 21:29 ID:vyyKibRm

Most only like Japanese things, in fact, I think they look down on other Asians just because they have the idea that everything in Japan is better. But there are a few who will also like Korean or Chinese things, and date Korean and Chinese chicks, probably because they can't get Japanese girls.

God, I hate weeaboos.

45 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-06-27 05:06 ID:8trubiWn

Yup, this Anon say the the truth. I date with a Chinese recently because living and going to Japan is expensive (btw...she looks like Tanaka Reina! She's kawaii!!!). She is is now a supporting actor in a Taiwan movie.I meet her during my college days and was shocked that she is a star! ^^

Question: Is Japanophile is some sort of the simptoms that able to turns u into a weeaboo? I was wondering about that....

46 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-06-29 06:37 ID:EZKZnow6

I have a friend who is Japanese, and she tells me there are always random weirdos who contact her on facebook, adding her to be a friend and writing in broken Japanese, trying to impress her. it's totally creepy. I just find it so sad these otherwise normal people get so obsessed over a place they have never been and probably will not be in for a long time and they become this type of loser who doesn't have anything else to do than randomly hitting on Japanese girls on facebook.

47 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-06-30 13:50 ID:wtAGmsec

from what is said in this thread, weeaboos are non- japanese men who are obsessed with anime and getting a japanese girlfriend...?

48 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-06-30 14:10 ID:wtAGmsec

i'm a female who has always been interested in various world cultures... i've researched a lot of places- ireland, turkey, greece, egypt, russia. i've also been very interested in asia- japan/ korea/ china/ taiwan/ india/ thailand/ etc. i think it started as a food thing ;).

my interest has definitely leaned towards japan over the years i've listened to a lot of japanese music (actually i listen to a lot of international music), watched a bit of anime, watched asian (not just japanese) movies & tv dramas. i was actually supposed to go to japan for a summer art course, and backed out because i felt guilty going without my husband.

so does that make me a despicable weeaboo? i'm not sure what's wrong with exploring other cultures...?

49 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-06-30 18:58 ID:8a3EQSvw

i agree what IS wrong with exploring other cultures?

50 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-07-01 13:42 ID:IzCaIgEG

I don't think there's anything wrong with it but some people do it in such a way it annoys others and appears to be unhealthy.

51 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-07-01 19:06 ID:A3Z1GG6s


It's the kinds of people pictured on that page that make it annoying.

52 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-08-05 14:30 ID:s+qN0rJA

The widespread hate for wapanese/weaboos didn't exist until 4chan came about.

Also those that insult weaboos usually do so on anime forums/*chans

53 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-08-05 14:34 ID:s+qN0rJA

Also a new kind of (idiotic) anime fans came about after the ease of watching streaming anime (youtube) happened.

So the hatred against them first probably consisted of older anime fans that didn't like these new immature "narutards"

54 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-08-05 15:12 ID:qKA7I86m

Quite true here, and yes I was the old generation anime fan. I still remember the time when Gundam Seed first aired all the sudden explode of Seed fans explodes into sort of phenomenon and you know when I start to say "so you do love gundams? what is your favorites gundam timeline then? when I told them that I love Gaia Gear they told they haven't heard it and it's not gundam! Fucking fail! "

Also, in my time when Dragonball rises to it's prominence most people says "I wanna be Goku! Bezita is cool!!! I wanna have Trunks hairstyle!" Then later when I was being asked "what is your favorite figthing anime?" question I told them "Kung-fu Boy" they began to blurred and say I am a poser! FUCK!

Later I meet some shoujo genre fans. That time was the time of Sailormoon came out. I asks them "have you all heard about Mahou Shoujo Creamy Mami??" I got the same reaction and thus I was really mad for those seasonal fans who know nothing about anime!

There is also the time when we talk about Macross. I say heard Mospeada? Also the same reaction! They don't even know Getter Robo, Grendizer yet they love Mazinger like hell!

Yes! I hate weaboos! They a bunch of posers! Research and learn anime first if you wanna be an Otaku!

P/S: I was also never admit I am Japanese or a good Japanese speaker as it is impossible to genetically alter one's racial features by the time the man is born! Posers must die!

55 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-08-07 21:45 ID:tSCBxmQc

I just really like to watch cartoons with a storyline

like those "high school problems" anime, you know boy meets girl they fall in love etc etc

i don't really like those mobile suit anime, unless it has a love story wrapped into it (like full metal panic)

Oh and i loved full metal alchemist, it was refreshing to me

so, am i a weaboo? because i don't give a shitbag about japan, and as soon as western anime with a cute story comes out (like Disney used to make, bambie and stuff, they put the base for anime after all) ill dump that weaboo shit and watch the western shit...

56 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-08-28 18:49 ID:es2flEnP

japanese onry

57 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-09-03 01:27 ID:cuouSUgN

The fuck is this shit??

58 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-09-04 21:44 ID:Heaven

>>57 which one of those two words did you fail to comprehend?

59 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-09-06 13:40 ID:Heaven

Probably onry, decided by process of elimination.

60 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-09-09 11:54 ID:SUo4oAeT

sums up correctly

61 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-09-09 16:28 ID:Heaven

down syndrome?

62 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-09-10 23:08 ID:/pW6iFMx

More likely a confused anon.

63 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-09-11 18:11 ID:q4fI/pko

So...wait... what defines a "weaboo"?

Does that incorporate everyone who's ever been exposed to Japanese pop culture?

I'm taking college-level Japanese classes (I'm trying to bulk up my resume)... and I've found about five animes EVER that I've liked.

But Im perfectly happy with my non-Asianness and would commit suicide ninja-style if I ever caught myself saying "kawaii" in an English sentence or using a "^_^" emoticon.

64 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-09-11 19:59 ID:Heaven

>>63 a weeaboo has to want to be japanese but not actually know any japanese. taking classes puts you one step away.

65 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-09-23 04:25 ID:nkVDbtCa


Recently weeaboo has been used as a blanket term for anyone who enjoys something Japanese, usually manga or anime. I do enjoy the occasional anime, and it would be pretty nice to learn some moonspeak so I can read Japanese comics and the like; but I don't exactly wish I were Japanese. While so, one might still accuse me of being a weeaboo.

66 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-09-23 21:40 ID:Heaven

>>65 You are a weeaboo.

67 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-09-23 22:03 ID:O898tpMu


68 Name: One : 2008-09-24 20:36 ID:Heaven

>>66 here.
Sorry, I meant to use my name for that post.

69 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-09-25 18:45 ID:OyRVi5xA

so if someone was asian (non-japanese) chinese etc can they get away with not being called a weeaboo?
even if they are.

70 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-09-26 01:11 ID:MU9XUotV

No. If it's not Japanese, it's still a weeaboo. E.g., pakistani weeaboo = pakaboo

71 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-10-07 19:01 ID:Heaven

i am a nigra

72 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-11-30 18:40 ID:WzkJ0JGg

Because honestly speaking, to us in the West, the image of china just seems dirty. Not saying it's so, but that's the image.

73 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-12-04 16:11 ID:Heaven


Speak for yourself, my image of it is of a magical land that's probably not possible.

74 Name: Otaku : 2008-12-11 01:06 ID:wpU8cvea

Mostly americans are weeaboos
they abuse the japanese langauge
they trying to be japanese
fut fail hard :/

i think they all should burn in hell.

75 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-12-23 06:46 ID:Kg4/rO6/

>>74 wants to be an American.

76 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-12-25 20:10 ID:Heaven


Yeah, I detect the penis envy.

77 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2009-01-07 19:20 ID:/wcOyLwo

I've met plenty of non-American weeaboos on the internet (mostly Finnish and English).

78 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2009-01-09 16:16 ID:K3b3jo3e


Why does no one ever talk about the polar opposite of a weeaboo? You ever seen those Japanese kids that want to be American but have never been there even once.

That's scary. You weeaboos are losing the whole cultural conversion race. At least Jamericans speak fluent English.

79 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2009-01-10 22:32 ID:h1Zzdja2

> At least Jamericans speak fluent English.


80 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2009-01-13 14:40 ID:Heaven


>fruent Engrish

Fixed it.

81 Name: OMGWUT!cPUZU5OGFs : 2009-06-12 21:59 ID:m55uAVwO

weeaboos wiggle and the wobble but they dont fall down..
Bada boom bada zing

82 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2009-06-23 15:10 ID:+FiEWo+2

all these asian dudes anyways look like hot chicks

83 Name: Mu : 2009-06-23 23:08 ID:A9+svzLh

In Japan, there are only extremes. Either the guy is macho, os he looks like a girl. Same for the ladies: if they are not extremelly hot, they are butt ugly.

I really don't see what all the fuss is about. They're just small people with a flat face and tiny eyes.

84 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2009-06-24 09:33 ID:+FiEWo+2


85 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2009-06-28 01:31 ID:6JC10+XR

yes cuz you can say i used to be one (hard to tell right) and i been living in america for 6 years and i noticed its not like the advertisments. Because in the ads they showed blondes blue eyed people that are skinny, long noses, tall and rich. but when i came here most people were fat,lazy,and the women were bimbos.
They're just small people with a flat face and tiny eyes. that hurt and im not short im pretty tall (im 5"7)

86 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2009-07-26 22:47 ID:9DJM6h2b

I love weeaboos. In fact, I wish I was one so I could be moar connected to all my friends, who are all weeaboos.

87 Name: Rick Astley : 2009-08-15 14:56 ID:WZxDaZCu

if ever you can send all the weaboos to japan, the island will literally sink.

88 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2009-08-21 03:10 ID:90plj7Qf

I guess I'm a weeaboo. But not for Asian cultures in general - mostly Japanese. I think kana characters are beautiful and the language sounds way better than Chinese. If I ruled Japan, I'd make it so that written Japanese only had kana and no kanji. The Chinese language sounds harsh, like people shouting. Out of Asian people, the Japanese seemed easier to get along with and more polite. I've been to other Asian countries, but felt safest in Japan...they let me into the bathhouse and I was the only white...of course, I was a guest of a Japanese family, so maybe if I was on my own, it may have been harder.

89 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2009-08-23 06:47 ID:BQj930dZ



that's not tall at all

90 Name: KOREABOO :) : 2009-11-08 11:08 ID:A1ZGKNsP

haha from reading all these comments, i have realised i can be classified as a 'koreaboo'. i dont watch dramas or anything, i just find kpop is so much less sex-based than white music (especially the music videos), singers are generally trained so they can dance and sing and i like my cute asian guys... NOT CREEPY FEMALE-MEN LIKE HEECHUL FROM SUPER JUNIOR (look him up and u WILL be creeped out). lol but of course there is the bad side of kpop with all the plastic people hired only for looks that can't sing or dance (Girl's Generation) but there are white singers like lady gaga who uses her body to gain fans.

im like you (chinese as well) but i like korea better. the language sounds cool (i attempt to sing all my kpop and learn phrases), i LOVE korean food and i just love its culture, respect and EVERYTHING. i think this is partly due to the fact most of my friends when i was younger were all korean.

5"7 is pretty tall for an asian girl, im only 5"5. asians are just smaller in size compared to whites. we're skinnier and shorter so it balances out.

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