Weeaboo... they just want to be Japanese, or any Asian is okay? (140)

1 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-07-26 02:03 ID:bJ1eQ2eE

I have always wondered about that. It seems like some weeaboo only wants "authentic" Japanese things, ie Japanese girls, Japanese music, and Japanese people to be friends with, while others seem like they'll take anything/anyone that is Asian. This guy I know is dating a Chinese girl, and he's weeaboo. So, does it depend on the individual weeaboo? Or will they accept all things Asian (Japanese being the best)?

140 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2021-04-29 05:03 ID:HKxpo1/V

now? do i found it?
is this it? a 5 hour thinking only?

why now?

of all time?

is this a joke?
all the things to avoid?
and its now?



a divine comedy indeed
oh well. lets put a smile on that face right

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