Weeaboo... they just want to be Japanese, or any Asian is okay? (140)

95 Name: Karasu : 2010-01-28 21:54 ID:ZarH/MmH

I'm an Artist, a Musician and a Linguist. I know French, Spanish, and Italian already. I know the basics of Manga art and would like to take a course in Japan to study it further. I play Piano, and the violin. I enjoy J-pop and J-rock and pretty much Japanese music in general. Especially composers like Motoi Sakuraba and his usage of the harmony of both the instruments I play. Forgive me for enjoying a culture that pretty much touches me in all of my interests. If Anime and Manga came from France, I'd probably move to France! It's not like I'm putting Japan up as a "Utopia" or anything. I just like the culture and would like to live there for a good part of my life. So screw me for wanting to get to know a different culture, and screw you for trying to get in my way with your silly titles. The United States is just... boring to me. I want to go out and see the world from a different point of view. Because unlike you, I'm accepting of other people and their cultures/interests. So mister 94, you can call me whatever you like, it's not going to change a thing. To that a say, さようなら! Nativist pigs...

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