Smoking (72)

59 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2025-02-11 10:29 ID:dfUTlW6E

You have to be very retarded to not see how heavily tabacco is being pushed AGAINST by said government, scientists, "health care" and more. Every pack of cigs has 4 warnings that say "This will literally kill you" with 2 additional pictures of dying children or deformed organs, which is made mandatory by the government. Every scientists and doctor shills massively against it, every time somebody talks about smoking on TV it's against it, even on the mainstream internet it's strongly against it. Smoking is forbidden in most public places too. Most landlords will kick you out, if you smoke in their houses. I am not saying they are lying or smoking is not harmful, but it's certainly not shilled by those entities you named.

It's literally this meme "Oh, I entered a thread full of things I dislike and now I am mad. How could this happen to me?!". In case you were referring to weed being illegal and this being the huge government psyop, then I have to disappoint you, since weed legalization is on it's way in most countries and succeeded in countries like Germany already. It's the most mainstream normalfag milktoast political opinion to have and certainly not shilled against either. Besides all of that, tabacco might be harmful, but weed makes you lazy and stupid. Just look at all those people, who started doing it at age 13 and then never stopped until they were 30, or 35 or 40. Those people are legitimately handicapped in the most literal sense.

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