HAM Radio questions (6)

1 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2021-03-30 22:42 ID:IbFKFCB9

Hello, I just started getting into HAM Radio, and I wanted to know what would be a good radio to start off with. Should I just stay with a relatively low-powered handheld until I get at least General class certifications, or should I save myself the trouble of replacing the radio for a suitable one later and get one that can access Extra-class level frequencies now?
Tell me your thoughts.

2 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2023-01-12 17:30 ID:W9Jin/tr

Get a baofeng, look up local repeaters, learn how offsets work, and steal FCC callsigns from public databases if you're in the US. Worked for me for >5 years without issue.

3 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2023-02-08 06:38 ID:C2tGkadA

Bumping for interest.

I am 100% new when it comes to ham radio. What would one suggest to someone like me that's just now starting to get into the hobby?? I think there is a club around here, but the types of people there are probably boomers.

4 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2023-02-11 13:45 ID:Heaven

>the types of people there are probably boomers.

Improve the world by removing your prejudice

5 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2023-02-23 05:35 ID:Heaven

You clearly have either never met HAM radio boomers, or are one yourself. Every single HAM radio hobbyist I've ever met has been an atrocious person. Maybe it's better in other parts of the world, but here it is not worth it.

6 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2023-03-10 20:08 ID:Heaven

>>5 Even so, open your heart to strangers and try not to make assumptions before you get to know people :)

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