How do I learn to cook? (11)

2 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2023-06-21 07:24 ID:p/cRMQb+

The first topic I think that is very important when it comes to food is saftey. If you have no saftey when it comes to food you could potentially poison yourself and others.

When purchasing and storing food always place ready to eat foods at the very top, fish, beef, and chicken in this order.
The reason is that chicken can contain salmonella that can only be killed at higher temperatures than is needed compared to cooking fish or beef. Salmonella is also more dangerous than the bacteria that fish or beef contain.
Storing or placing food in random order won't kill you, but is still not recommended.

Now for cooking meat.
The minimum temperatures needed to cook meats typically range from around 135 degrees farenheit to 165 degrees farenheit.
I can't remember the exact numbers of my head, but most meats will have the minimum required temperature for cooking.
Of course cooking anything at 350 degrees farenheit is guranteed to kill most bacteria.

Now this should be common sense, but since I have seen multiple people do this I will say it anyways.
When you grab raw meat and place it on a grill or pan be sure to wash your hands afterwards! Not doing this will transfer the harmful bacteria onto other surfaces or food and can poison you.
This also applies to when cracking eggs and you get egg on your hands.
Be sure to also not place raw meat packages on the same surfaces that you are using to prepare food! If you do, sanitize the surface.

For chicken on a stovetop you want to slow cook it until the bottom becomes more white/orage/brown and not pink. Once enough time passes you can flip it over and repeat process.
When you think the chicken has been cooked long enough you can take it off and slice it in half. The meat should not be red or pink and should be white.

For stovetops never cook at highest setting!
All that will happen is that you will just "brown" the chicken, meaning that you only cook the outer layer of the meat.
It is possible to cook chicken at a higher temperature with lower time with a grill, but that is a different story.

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