Shortwave Radio/SWL/DXing (11)

8 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-05-02 21:10 ID:65np1XAE


I gather you're not from North America, but over here CB is still moderately used. There is a famous guy on Channel 19 that goes by the name Mud Duck, Mud Duck in the Desert or Fine Tune CB. He is known for broadcasting seemingly 24 hours a day on a 500 gazillion trillion billion watt transceiver meaning you can hear the retard across the entire continent whether you're in southern US, central Canada, the deserts and mountains in the west. He doesn't really talk to anyone in particular, he's just always there on Channel 19 talking and talking and talking. Most people hate him. He can be fun to chat with sometimes, other times he just gets aggressive. Total idiot.

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