ITT we discuss words and even techniques that work well when trolling.
If you think trolling = behaving badly, check or similar first.
My initial vote for a good trolling word goes to 'frankly'.
These days, trolling can be a piece of cake, because it seems like people are going out of their way to get hooked. They'll easily believe the most ridiculous, obvious of bait just so they can call the poster a clueless retard or some such thing.
I guess they really like looking superior.
Maybe they are trolls themselves - perhaps even the same persons!
Ooh, the dreaded reverse meta-troll!
i once trolled my self trolling my self in 4chans /b/
it left me feeling relieved but not fulfilled
a lot like masturbation really
This is how people arrogantly defend their "stupidity" (I don't know if it really is stupid to respond to trolls, there's nothing like them outside the Web).
> I don't know if it really is stupid to respond to trolls
Yes, it is. At least on 2ch (where they identify "thread ruiners" more than trolls) it's common sense to just ignore troublestarters. It's also pointed out in most FAQs/guides that you shouldn't reply to them because that's just fueling their flamefest.
> there's nothing like them outside the Web
Ever since I looked up some different troll techniques, I have been looking at the world of politics with new eyes!
Guide to trolling
#1 Make sure you can change your IP, if you can't they only have to IP ban you once before you have to use proxies which are slow and gay.
#2 Give your self a name like "Hitler" or "realist nigger". When they say "omg you have Hitler as your name you are racist" you say "my name is tony Hitler and Hitler is my second name" there will then be a massive flame war between regular people on the forum over weather you should keep your name.
#3 Lie lie and lie. If the forum is about something like a video game, make stories about how the game is coming out in a few months or make fake screenshots so that people actually believe the lies. When they find out they are fake they will be really really raged and stuff because you got their hopes up. there will also be wars between the believes and the non believes in your shit.
#4 Make shit up about people on the forum. Claim that some members are racist, post ugly but believable pictures from hotornot and claim they are members and generally make people laugh and say "i always knew xxx was a loser"
#5 Suck up to admins/mods while stirring shit between regular members. admins and mods will find it harder to warn or ban you while regular members get raged. On a lot of forums people don't like the admins or mods so you get bonus raging points for acting like they are really cool.
#6 Act like a noob., talk shit, use leet speak, don't bother with grammar/punctuation etc act stupid when a mod or admin warn you.
#7 Always use caps, when people tell you not to, say you have a problem with your eyes and that its hard for you to type in normal letters.
#8 Contradict your self. in a few posts say how you hate X then start praising him.
#9 Pretend to be from some sort of ethnic group. My favorite is claiming to be a Slav or a Jew then starting topics like "discuss XXXX - SLAVIC MEMBERS ONLY". This causes shit. At every available opportunity claim how Russia/Israel/Bulgaria is amazing, Provoke racist comments from other members to start wars.
#10 Pretend to be something cool like a member of CDC. people will get pissed off and flame you saying that your lying and stuff. another great one is pretending to be famous internet people like Maddox and shit.
Final note: The true art of raging a forum is not spamming, this can be cleaned up pretty quickly. It is to set members against each other and cause rifts that will ultimately destroy the forum.
Extra: Gaining an admin password or finding a nice loophole to fuck around with is also amazing raging potential. Recently this forum I was raging let you upload your own emotion icons for the whole forum to use when you had enough posts. There was a limit on one every 300 posts or something, but I found that if you just bookmark the page url you can upload unlimited ones. I then uploaded tubgirl pics and linked them to words like "the" "to" "from" etc.
If you manage to get an admin password, delete all forums and make one forum called "discuss how raged you are"
PS: Amazingly enough, most of the tactics described in >>76 will only work or only work effectively on register-only type forums.
This is interesting. I can't say I'd actually want to destroy a forum, but... there sure are forums/admins/mods that would deserve it. Registration type forums that is.
This thread has been dormant for far too long.
I've gotten some nice reactions when working in the Futurama line "It's a widely-believed fact" into trolls. Give it a try sometime. about...It's a widely-believed fact that >>79 owns the Benihana restaurants, and has been slipping 'wotaku pills' into the food.
Trolling is a myth.
Just like the moon and American Indians. Ridiculous liberal myths purveyed by the treasonous Dhimmicrat party.
Just like HIMEOBS.
Just like Japan and black people.
It shakes the baby.
Heh. Look at that. He fucked off.
Kind of ironic that a thread about trolling is being modded though.
Its a widely believed fact that trolling is full of entertainment.
It's endlessly amusing when trolls succeed in turning a somewhat reasonable namefag forum into a miserable pile of hair-trigger moderators and those who worship their every action.
It's also funny that you told yourself to fuck off?
Actually nevermind, I misread that.
Trolling isn't entertaining or funny, it's stupid and childish.
Wow, I guess I'm not actually a troll, then. I don't know what I'd call myself now. Perhaps a picador?
lol I'm not troll I'm a lvl 78 Paladin Half Orc with Helmet of Disentergration and i'm a lvl 58 mage which could pwn ur lvl 58 ranger in a heartbeat noob!!! and i wanna fuck a pig so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lol, Paladin Orcs R 4 nUbz05z!!!!!
this trolling guide really sucks. the best kind of trolls are those that don't stand out. you should try to make yourself look clueless, but don't make it obvious. engage in a normal discussion with people but make some newbie mistake or get something wrong that EVERYBODY in that forum understands, or, better yet, use an argument that has already been debunked over and over again. best way is if you phrase it as some absolute statement too.
in a forum with people who love loli, it's far too obvious to act like some bible-thumping christian that hates indecent imagery. instead, act as a moderate person who is "trying to understand" what makes people like it. you'd use arguments such as "i understand that this shouldn't be made illegal, as it isn't really hurting anybody, but you have to admit that looking at these pictures will eventually cause you to become attracted to real children also and that COULD have dangerous consequences". this is a great way to troll, as you'll get tons of morons respond with the same old arguments and they'll waste their time with it because they believe they're dealing with a person who is genuinely trying to discuss with them.
I don't know if that's really called "trolling".
More like being the devil's advocate.
No, that is much closer to the original meaning of the term "trolling" than its current use. What >>98 misses, though, is that trolling is not something done for yourself. It should be obvioust that you are trolling to your audience, whoever they are. Otherwise, it's just mental masturbation. Trolling is putting on a show, where you act like an idiot, yet your victim never realizes you are playing an act, but the onlookers see it clearly, and laugh at the victim for being too dumb to see through the act.
Hey, you want Trolling? Go to 4chan on /b/itch and videogames. They the word weeaboos like the n word. All the time.
Slightly off topic, but I've noticed alot of people misusing the word "literally" when trolling/responding to trolls.
Bumping this topic because it deserves it.
I don't think anyone in the west would keep that spelling of that name.
However, if you look to India...
How to troll anonymous forums:
Shut up, Tokiko.
That's nice :-)
Yeah, that usually happens to people who don't like reading more than half a paragraph.
But I was just treating you nicely like you said :-(
i'm sorry i didn't mean that
gooby plz
trolling is lawful good now, dont bother. Just harm things without chool intro plays.
Trolling is a art.
When trolling is done right, no one can figure out if it's trolling or not. If people can figure it out, you're just a miserable failure.