I once uploaded Kareha onto a server I was running from home, purely just to test the software and study the code. I didn't advertise the board to anybody, and only made three test threads. Amazingly, after having forgotten about the board, and coming back a year later, I found it full of spam and links.
Everybody knows about textboard spam, wakaba's /soc/ board was removed after being spammed to oblivion, the site that wrote the original gazouBBS (futaba's sourcecode) script's demonstration boards were also full of spam comments written in English, so on, we've all seen it.
Where is it actually coming from though? Has anybody ever gone down the rabbithole of internet spam and bots? How do they find no-name sites that nobody visits? What is their end goal? Who actually runs these bots? Is anybody even running these bots or have they been on autopilot for decades? Is there a network of spammers? What is your experience with spam?
Within the past three years or so, "scambaiting" has become a popular genre of youtube and twitch content, with people investigating tech support scammers and robotcallers and whatnot, but I feel like nobody really cares about the rabbithole of people spamming on websites, when it is just as vast and fascinating.
Here's a link.
Necro, so it wouldnt have been known as well back in 2021 when you posted, but androxgh0st is a (now) well known malicious web scanner that tries to scan sites for exposed credentials and then tries to use those credentials to compromise your assets so that they can be used as part of a spam botnet.
Feds have good details on it now https://www.cisa.gov/news-events/cybersecurity-advisories/aa24-016a
androxgh0st will probe a page with POST requests sending strings similar to what you mentioned in the message body, so if your form method is POST on the emailer page, it may be taking that message body and doing the needful with it and sending it to you as an email according to whatever logic you have setup to handle the form.
That's something that has been bothering me for so long, you could look up the most random of queries like "steven universe background art" and get those sites
that is old as fuck lol the owner of jschan (tom) had discovered that the cp poster was a real person
null has mentioned once or twice that he thinks it's feasible the background radiation of spam to be prevented, but that Cloudflare, Google, etc. choose not to because they passively profit from it. I don't know how that's possible, but perhaps the specifics don't even matter, as long as the incentive structure is there. The actual spam is just entropy in principle.
And it doesn't help that very few people actually use the clearnet and are instead populating the massive darknets that have cannibalized the Internet such as the site formerly known as Twitter, Facebook, Discord. And I do mean darknet, because you can't access any of that stuff publically, can't even scrape most things anymore; you need to make an account and an api key -- and even then, it's not easy to get a clear picture of what's going on.
spam, i.e. unsolicited content, comes from people unsolicited by real economy, i.e. spam. you are spam, and your parents who made you for personal entertainment are spammers.
Given that pretty much everything Google does exists to be a vector for their adcrap, I wouldn't be surprised at all if they have some deals made to consider some spammers "legitimate" on things like search and GMail as long as they get a cut of the profits. I definitely get far less spam on the other mailboxes I switched to when I ditched GMail, but it's hard to tell how much that's GMail vs. how much I might've given the old address to some site that sold it around. (I also speculate that there might be spammers who just make up random GMail addresses on a bot to send spam to, but that's just speculation.)
As for your bit on the abandonment of WWW pages for things like Discord, on the one hand it does kind of suck, but on the other it's kind of understandable, running a WWW page is exhausting since you're basically putting it out there for any rando to interact with. And it's not just spam or what you'd probably think of as "bad attention", even having "fans" can lead to a lot of tiring "when update?" type messages, or trying to recruit you to their project that's vaguely related to your site topic (talking here about people who are "real" as opposed to driveby spam). So I can see the appeal of wanting to just make a friend group and share stuff to them instead of the world at large.
As for the topic of spamposts on boards like this one in particular, I do wonder if part of the scam is in the redirect links themselves; I know some redirector sites also run a "show ads on the redirection page, give you a cut" racket.
Kind of spooky when you think about it
I only usually visit this textboard, I don't know if there is any other one in English that is just as active, i would enter 2ch or 5ch but I don't live in Japan and I don't even know Japanese
Obviously here
Also SAOVQ, sageru.org dis.tinychan, textboard.org, bbs.gikopoi, boards.graybox, etc
Looks like SAoVQ is being DDOS'd?
I can't post there or on the PostOffice.
>>2 is right. That is the most active textboard even if it sucks Kuz’s AIDS ridden cock.
This thread was obviously made only to be repeatedly bumped to shill shituri.
Seems like a perfect match. Google is the best company they could've sold out to.
I can't take it anymore. There's just too much stuff hitting you all at once whenever you use a large enough site. Its frying my brain.
Stop using them less and less, then. If you go out of your way to engage, then you're going to see it. I understand it's hard not to - it's an impulse we've wired into our brains - but you can slowly taper away.
If possible, spend more and more time away from the computer. There is so much in the world for you to do that you could almost never even need one. Just learn to use it less, do more in real life that will keep you occupied so you don't open up Twitter or 4chan just because you're bored and eventually you just stop giving a shit for the most part.
things really went to shit in the 18 years since this post was made
agreed. my invidious instance doesn't even work anymore because of "community safety". ffs, I'm using an invidious instance [i]because[/i] I'm concerned about my safety. I don't mind advertisements per se, but the logical conclusion of the advertiser model is drm, insane amounts of data harvesting, and forced accounts.
Google must burn
Is there a working way to download the videos to a local file in [CURRENTMONTH]? The VLC trick and ssyoutube worked earlier this year but it seems both of them have been killed recently.
How do you not know about yt-dlp?
I just downloaded something two hours ago and it worked just fine. If it doesn't work, you can try circumventing blockage by using Tor with torsocks or a VPN. Try multiple times with a different proxy. J-Downloader 2 should still work too, if you prefer GUI, but I haven't tried it lately, so it might as well be kill in regards to Youtube.
>>1 fucking hell, i miss when this was a good thing
haven't watched a YouTube video since 2018.
What happened to textboard.org? Didn't bother to visit for a while and now I see it's down. Is it gone forever?
The last valid shot in WebArchive is just some file collection.
I miss it too. Even though it was filled with a lot of spam and shitposting towards the end of it's existence, I think there still was some good discussions going on there. It would be interesting to know whether this is a temporary thing or if it's gone 5ever now, but judging from it's short phase, where it intentionally only served some files, I think it's safe to assume it's gone. No place really feels the same like it does. Rest in peace SchemeBBS.
That site was ugly as all hell. Like a textboard without any of the charm. Unless I'm mistaking it for another site
Its gone? RIP schemeBBS
I know there is the Densha Otoko series but it's already there, and it's not even an anime, if you know of any anime put it here
Meaning what exactly?
Do you want something centered around the use of a BBS?
Steins;Gate touches a bit on @channel which is clearly just 2channel. I wouldn't say that it's heavily centered on any BBS though.
The anime Steins Gate isn't as good as the VN. Its not heavily centered on it, but its key to a bunch of characters meeting and the whole John Titor legend comes from a BBS. 2channel appears a lot in anime from the 2000s (e.g. Konata using it). I don't know if there are actual anime focused on it. There's Suicide Club which is loosely about 2channel's suicide board.
I think the short series 'Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken' has a character addicted to a certain bulletin board
Every time I find a new textboard, I keep seeing the same names over and over. "kuz", "heyuri", "4x13", and I sense a general atmosphere where everybody knows each other. I remember namefags in my day, but it's different from that because it feels like everybody knows each other even when they're posting anonymously.
I would like to see more niche boards instead of people just copying the same staple textboards like /lounge/, /vip/, /prog/, /anime/, whatever.
I want, for instance, a board for discussing bomberman games, a board for the MS Dos game Jetpack, a board for gardening, a board for chess (no other board games allowed), a board for baroque music, a board for the sanskrit language, and a board for radio collectors.
This goes for imageboards as well, imo.
If it was just that. They are annoying, that's the problem.
>a board for the MS Dos game Jetpack
Being able to post all your diabolical custom level designs would be obligatory.
Even though it's not fully a txtboard, this is unironically true. I tried using it for a while because I like their philosophy of forbidding 2010s+ topics & encouraging OC. Since every site these days always gets overrun with the same shallow nigger this, tranny that. Most of them really are underage and some have even posted nudes, but they never get perm banned, they're told to just not explicitly state their age in the posts. They hang out in the chatroom all day linking to each others sites, sorta like what >>2 said.
Once someone started dumping tons of medical journals of "legal" cp, I gave up.
The whole concept of image/text boards is so niche. Any that last more than a few years become quite well known because no one who isn't already familiar with them likes or understands the point of them.
I've seen many tiktok children posting about 4chan, asking "i dont get it, its ugly, how do i use it" purely because it has this big spooky reputation as some dark-web adjacent website.
IMO the closest thing to a new audience these sites can get are the kids who are into neocities,spacehey,nekoweb old internet larp sites. But while they like the aesthetic of "old web", they'll mostly always have a link their discord,(or eqiv) to have a real instant msg conversation.
You get it. I'd even have a dosbox emulator embedded into the board, and custom levels could be shared and played by everybody without having to download them.
i liked those gimmick boards where OP could be .it/.xm/.mod files and i'd like to see more stuff like that. you'd have to be careful though, sounds like it could be exploited.
> you'd have to be careful though, sounds like it could be exploited
In a world full of anonymizers, bots and spammer sweatshops, I feel like "careful" isn't good enough any more. You either have to commit to constantly cleaning up the mess bad actors make like we see here, make people have accounts/verification hoops to jump through that kind of defeats the point, or maybe you have some genius solution that's beyond my ability to think up.
This is why we can't have nice things.
as a quite avid user of that site, it's always (pleasantly) surprising to see it mentioned in the wild
For the past year or so I've been wasting away my free time editing Wikipedia. I have found it to be quite fun and I like doing so, however Wikipedia has a plentitude of problems, which are only getting worse (centralization, censorship, shady donation business and more), so I want to find some other interesting projects, that I could contribute to. On Wikipedia I mostly edited computer science/otaku-related articles, since that is what I'm the most knowledgeable about. The purpose of this thread is NOT to compile a big list of Wikis, but rather to discuss what Wikis are particularly good to edit.
Some Wikis, that I can recall from the top of my mind are:
I like the Shikadi DOS Games Modding wiki. But updates from anyone are pretty infrequent because of the information being very niche and usually requiring a lot of personal research time.
There's also an adjacent Commander Keen wiki that's pretty much the place to go if you want to find Keen mods. But I only bother with reading that one, not editing.
the best way to use wikis is for trolling, terroediting is the best think to do
Some more Wikis I came across:
While the Thinkpad Wiki sounds in theory interesting, it is has two problems. One being, that you can't register yourself really, as long as you don't reveal your real name to the Admin, which I certainly won't do. Other than that, the Wiki itself is fine.
The SigID Wiki is very nice. You can edit without an account, but you may create one without any further problems. The Wiki itself is neatly organized and the signals are well documented. There seems to be an active, albeit small, community surrounding it too. I don't know much about Signals, so I can't really contribute besides minor editors like fixing spelling mistakes, but I might contribute more once I gained enough knowledge about it. Bonus points for using the Monobook theme.
There is also the DelphiGL Wiki, which is a German wiki concerning programming with OpenGL. It's quite old, but still helpful. You have to be part of their forum for a week and contribute, I think, at least 10 posts to be allowed to edit their forum. The obvious downside is the language barrier and, that it requires you to be part of their forum, but otherwise I don't see much issue with this. The articles seem to be written in a more laid-back and relaxed way with many jokes inbetween the pile of technical info.
there was a brief edit war before an admin said no
It was removed again because of "muh advertising"...
Consider bringing up in the talk pages that its one of the oldest kareha textboards out there, is well known among textboard users, and that it was mistakenly removed because of actual not noteworthy textboards trying to advertise themselves.
Is there any reliable encyclopedia website to recommend, preferably a static website or a web1.0 website, I don’t like websites with too bloated scripts
Came here from the wikipedia talk page itself. lol.
I googled Encarta and was sent to https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/education which features an "AI-powered assistant". It's all over.
Also if there was really a web-based version of Encarta I bet it didn't have that cool maze game.
If you rely on a encyclopedia but are at wit's end with wikipedia, I'd unironically recommend supporting Britannica. I think that's the only realistic alternative in the English speaking world.
squirrels everywhere
peenis and poopis
look at this list I made
It looks like that archive is dead now. I wonder if everything there is lost forever...
Looks like /azu/ has a new home though:
I'm glad to see you post this because I just happened to start rewatching that for the first time in a really long time. I didn't realize it was so old...!
4taba may be closing?
>Long story short, I don't want to moderate the place and no one has added a solution to deal with some of the spam(the CP is ultimately inevitable). Since there's no one I want to give the site to I'll ultimately close posting and pay the renewal on the server. What will be left running is the archive function I added at some point and the contents of the site.
>Unless there's an alternative method that people want to reach out to me for. I don't have trust in handing over the site to random people and would rather keep it around as an archive.
4ct.org seems to have gone down a while ago without anyone noticing!
GNFOSmin got owned so hard in monhun that he deleted gn and sold the domain and deleted his twitch account
yeah that was surprising. I didn't expect trevor to actually give up the ghost like that.