The only relevant textboard in english ;_;
if you think '4chan children' even know about this place, you're an idiot.
Great post, you've really contributed to the conversation. Contrary to your idiotic beliefs, 4-ch is well known on 4chan, especially boards like /qa/. Sounds like you're the type of retard who believes that all of 4chan = /b/.
Thank you for showing us all how autistic you are.
let's be nice to each other not fight...
Go back to 4chan.
It's true not all of 4chan is /b/, but a considerably large percentage of 4chan is, in fact, /b/.
And the boards that don't happen to be /b/ have a userbase that might at least partially overlap with users who have browsed /b/ in the past month or so.
this is crazy, I posted this thread years ago
>>77 You sure sound like one of these people you have such a distaste for. Such people will easily cripple a web site like this in numbers as few as a half a dozen posting regularly; they can't even enjoy themselves on a desert island. They are the invasive oil well outposts of the internet
We're still the most relevant english textboard ;_;
Yet not relevant at all.
please let this thread die 4-ch is quite active now
If by active, you mean currently has 20 semiannual posters instead of 10. Its as dead as the original imageboard culture. How embarrassing it will look in another few years isn't a thought I relish.
I cant be the only one who feels its getting so frustrating. Maybe it really is true that we are getting too old for these things.
i dont enjoy cliquing and ibs seems to be a place for your chat group you grew up with, and em caring about their ass
liek removing sexuality cause pedo text shit.
I posted this thread 4 years ago, my life changed so much since
I like this place, it seems nice.
Maybe I'll stay.
It's not dead, it's just shit.
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( ・∀・) < My name is Squeeks and that was always the intent, >>94.
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4-ch is the best !!
this place is slow :(
sup losers
and now it's changed over the past 5 months.
Tell us what's changed in your life anon
I love 4ch! I love you!
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Hi I'm OP, I created this thread when I was 20 years old and I was still at uni, I'm now 27, I'm married and I have two kids. It's crazy how life goes by.
your wife must have an overactive vagina. Either pour some poison in her cooter or stop creampieing her so much.
Much love,
-Anonymous Internet Addict
I was a neet virgin seven years ago and I'm a neet virgin today!
Gonna do AA flips on OP's non-virgin corpse
It ain't dead, Anon.
It's just very slow.
Honestly, that's cool. These websites are a like trip to the past, as long as they're well preserved, like our beloved 4-ch.
This is what I've been saying to all the people in the request board that want the slow boards deleted or archived. Archived, I can understand, although I still disagree with it because the ability to actually post in these old threads is what makes this place so great. Deletion, however, it should be heretical to even suggest.
So I am OP, once again. My mother died of COVID 2 months ago, she had heart and kidney problems and was very frail... Right at the tail end of the fucking pandemic.
I will post here at the end of the decade, I have an item on my calendar for early 2029. See you in the future.
may Our Lord comfort you and your mother
I'm sorry to hear that. I hope the rest of the decade will be better for you and your family.
Hello from 10 years after the creation of this thread, today is my birthday, I'm 30. :)
i agree. this place is awesome. i know that if i said something here, maybe my son would find in the future and talk to his younger father!
hello 10 years from now, i am old as fuck now holy shit gonna take out my pension soon
holyshit lmao
are you going to NEET?
got any kids?
I was maybe 14 when I first posted on here, and now I'm 23, and I haven't really grown much. and I don't think my passion for Internet culture has really amounted to much, either.
It's been about a decade by now...
It's more popular. The website as a whole seems to be anyway
I have come to this site at least a few times a year since I was thirteen. That's half my life now. Pretty soon even this thread will have existed for half my life.
I haven't done anything at all. I graduated high school and have rotted in my parents' house ever since. No job, no friends, no relationships. I feel like I died at some point when I was a teenager, and I'm continuing to inhabit my own body just to keep going on the computer. The only things that would prove I ever existed are my medical records and the posts I've made on the internet (at least a quarter of a million, if you include all my tweets). Oh, well. I guess it's normal to do nothing with your life, isn't it?
At least I have some desire to "grow" these days. I've been making progress on myself, by the standards of a hikikomori. Working doesn't even seem as scary anymore. Maybe some day I'll come back to this reply, and feel good about how my life's gone. I'll probably just feel bad, or no real way at all. But maybe!