What are some good Wikis to edit? (5)

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For the past year or so I've been wasting away my free time editing Wikipedia. I have found it to be quite fun and I like doing so, however Wikipedia has a plentitude of problems, which are only getting worse (centralization, censorship, shady donation business and more), so I want to find some other interesting projects, that I could contribute to. On Wikipedia I mostly edited computer science/otaku-related articles, since that is what I'm the most knowledgeable about. The purpose of this thread is NOT to compile a big list of Wikis, but rather to discuss what Wikis are particularly good to edit.

Some Wikis, that I can recall from the top of my mind are:

  • OS Dev Wiki
  • Sizecoding Wiki
  • Touhou Wiki
  • Infogalactic
  • InstallGentoo Wiki
  • Gikopoi Wiki

I sorted them by what interests me the most. OSDev-Wiki is fine as it is, but you have to join the Forum, where then you have to join an IRC channel, just to make on the site an account. Furthermore, it's just very specialized, therefor it's naturally limited to how much you can write there. All in all, I think it's the most interesting one and one, where I want to contribute. Bonus point for it being public domain.

The Sizecoding Wiki can be found here http://www.sizecoding.org/wiki/Main_Page. It's fairly specialized, but still very good. Account creation is enabled.

Touhou Wiki is insofar interesting, that is about Touhou and it's quite big too. There is also articles in multiple languages. However, making an account requires making a Discord account and going on their Discord space, which I refuse to do, thus it's unfortunately not an option.

Infogalactic is an interesting one, not because of the contents, frankly it's just a fork of Wikipedia with little to no substantial change, but because it's openly for-profit and accounts have to be bought. They also have a very interesting LARP as space alien invaders or something, howsoever I don't think it's worth it buying an account there.

The Installgentoo Wiki was a site, that I used to regularly visit, when it was still up. It featured very practically oriented articles on all things tech and back in the day I even had an account there, but I probably have to make a new one (I don't have the password anymore).

Last but not least (well, in my listing it's both the least and at the last, but whatever), is Gikopoi Wiki. It runs WikiWikiWiki and is centered around the Gikopoi community, NEETdom and all things surrounding it. It's an interesting project, but more of an elaborate joke, than a real encyclopedia.

What Wikis do fellow internet addicts think are worth looking into, other than the ones I listed? What Wikis do you guys like to edit?

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