Why are imageboards filled with so many religious fanatics and conservatives these days? (36)

30 Name: 415 - Unsupported Name Type : 2024-08-02 16:08 ID:vxGaKgLa

Because think tanks, lobbying groups, and shady outlets who serve doners have been spamming imageboards for years now. Imageboards are extremely easy to manipulate if you have the time and money. They are filled with vitriolic losers and the mentally ill. As for religious stuff, I mean Futaba had a whole board dedicated to cults and paranormal stuff so that's nothing new. What is new are breeds of psycho Christians who seem to care more about culture wars issues than divinity and scripture. You can't have a conversation with these people about the Bible or theology because for them Christianity and tradition are just ways to rubberstamp their retarded political views. They aren't really religious.


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