Does anyone here have the original Gear Navy Nevada hooded sweatshirt?
The original isn't sold anymore so those who have them, get them on eBay and notify the chans ASAP if you're willing to part: You'll make a killing!
(Just FYI, the "real" sweatshirt isn't canonical either. The actual sweatshirt Natsumi was wearing has a curve in it, and as far as I could tell when I went to Nevada last summer, it's extremely hard to find, even in the state capital. I could only come across a child size T-shirt that looked a lot like it but would be useless.)
You scare me.
What's the story behind this?
So, you're saying underage girls drew these?
Neither of these images are Work Safe
No. Reexamine the post you are quoting.
Yea, All I can find is Nevada Wolf Pack shirts and ones without the curve. Also, was the original grey or blue?
bump acient thread
i was also in search of one of the Nevada hoodies, even to be able to find a place where i can find an original Nevada hoodie in either grey or navy blue in atleast medium or large sizes would be enough for me
also bump
i was also in search of one of the Nevada hoodies, even to be able to find a place where i can find an original Nevada hoodie in either grey or navy blue in atleast medium or large sizes would be enough for me
also bump
i was also in search of one of the Nevada hoodies, even to be able to find a place where i can find an original or replica Nevada hoodie in either grey or navy blue in atleast medium or large sizes would be enough for me
also bump
People are still into the whole Nevada-tan thing?
It never really died she is just not as popular as she used to be.
what do you think she's doing irl right now? do you think she knows about her internet following?
it doesn't say where it got the informations so take it with caution. It may as well be fake for all we know.
I wish Nevada-tan would sexually dominate me.
Sexualizing Nevada-tan is heinously anus
Does anyone have Shii's lewd nevada-tan artwork saved?
Or any archive of his "All About Nevada-tan" page on ESK?
He keeps on posting that stuff all over the site.
I've no idea why.
It is really pissing me off to be honest.
I thought his lewd art was of a girl from Azumanga Diaoh.
Shii liked to draw all sorts of little girls.
Cracky-chan was always better than Nevada.
Nevada fans are welcome to convert but only if they renounce and repent.
Nice one, greentexter.
She doesn't care about you guys and never wanted that sort of attention in the first place can't you sad fucks just move on already? Also no Nevada-Tan is way better because she wasn't a whore looking for attention she was just a cute loli standing up to a bully and she did nothing wrong tbh.
Cracky chugs black cock
He had me in the first half, can't lie.
reviving this threaddddddddd
Cracky chan was NEVER attractive and i HATE HER
The funniest part of the Cracky-chan saga was when she became an edgy white woman with dreadlocks.
She is a middle aged woman now... she probably just wants to be left alone and this bad part of her childhood forgotten...
cracky chan always kinda grossed me out tbh
otherwise, I think it's very easy to find nevada-tan's hoodie now
She was gross and not that attractive but she was the original and very sweet.
it's been a while since i've seen that name. seeing nevada-tan mentioned, i now remember that girl who livestreamed herself committing suicide. what was her name again? i remember there was a song made about the incident