Does anyone here have the original Gear Navy Nevada hooded sweatshirt?
The original isn't sold anymore so those who have them, get them on eBay and notify the chans ASAP if you're willing to part: You'll make a killing!
Pity, the closest thing you can get now is this:
I'd still wear it to a con or something. It's not canonical, but people would still get the joke.
You're not supposed to idolize brutal murderers. What the hell is wrong with you people?
Apparently it's cute to slit your classmate's throat with a boxcutter.
Why not? There's no shortage of people doing just that throughout history.
Ooooh, controversial statement!
Assertion: Hitler would have won WW2 if he had been an 11 year old moe sister!
You're luckily this isn't an image board, it would have been repost time for moe moe Hitler-chan.
I guess >>8 was talking about the old iichan oekakies from way back then... I had posted them to deathcrab a while ago but that site has been down ever since cracky-chan fanboy scriptkiddies decided to nuke it.
The sweatshirt is for sale again, in case Osaka is still interested.