Hikikomori's, Asperger's syndromer's & Autist (195)

165 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2010-03-19 17:49 ID:9SqpwW3R

every time i use the toilet. XD

my problem is basically 3 things.

-Poor diet (aka the twice a day visits to fast food)

-Poor metabolism (i lose weight EXTREMELY slowly, even at this weight, when i actually go through the whole rigmarole of planning meals, eating 3times+ a day super healthy low fat meals (protein and a complex carb) and excercising (at least an hour of cardio a day 5 days a week) i still only manage to lose 1-2 pounds a week. while i can gain like 3 pounds a week no prob)

-lack of motivation to exercise due to inadequate returns (see number 2)

most of my weight is torso weight, with some on my thighs but not much comparatively. the only upside to being fat, i have super buff legs lol.

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