Hello there boys, girls and people of a transgender state. I was just wondering where everyone is from. I'm Irish and I don't seem to have spotted any other Paddy's around. So far I've spotted English,Canadian, Japanese and Americans but I'm pretty much a n00b here so everyone give a shout out for your country/state whatever.
Guy from Tralee,Kerry,Munster,Ireland,EU
I'm in Texas right now.
Valencia, Spain
Provo UT
Mormon capitol of the world :P
Herro, I am from the internet and i wourd rike to get to know you.
Lisbon, Portugal, YOOROP
(here be dragons)
Sydney, Australia
I live in Squeeks' bloodstream
I am DQN
I live in ksqueeks' bedroom.
Durban, South Africa
By the way, from what I have seen, when most Americans say Europe on the internets, they don't think it's a single country, but rather they use it to refer to Britain.
It might be because if you speak English they will assume you're from Britain.
To the other Europeans: The US is about as diverse as Europe so saying "in America" makes just as little sense as saying "in Europe" regardless if one is legally a nation while the other is not.
I live in Asia, Philippines.
Char's basement
I think we've met.
Melbourne, Australia.
Me too D:
I decide you should pay me 1,000,000,000Yen, don't want to? Then goto freeloader hell!
Xyrxlw'thlynorruch, Mars
Sorry, friend, I don't think you know what you are talking about. America is a far more homogenous political entity than the EU. We don't have to contend with 10 major languages, various ethnic groups that clearly detest each other, and politically viable communist parties.
Also, when people here refer to "Zomg Europe", they are referring to the French/BeNeLux/German bloc, as they are politically opposed to us. Britain is not strictly "european".
You muppet! Xyrxlw'thlynorruch is on Titan, not Mars!
ethnic groups: yankees, rednecks, hippies, texans, blacks, asians, hispanics, etc...
just like europe, most speak dialects of a major language (latin in europe's case) while some have very different languages
we don't have politically viable communist parties, but we do have politically viable fundamentalist parties
Orbital Platform 8
Hah hah hah, >>92 is an 8-er!
I did your questionare.
And I'm happy to give you my corporation.
What does this topic have to do with Net Culture News?
Helsinki, .fi
I notice there are lots of Europeans who use English-language imageboards. Sadly, most of my countrymen prefer 4chan /b/. ;_;
I can certify for you that there are many Finns, they just don't post "PERKELE SAATANA!!1" every post.
But 4chan /b/ is still the most Finn-saturated board of all "channel" sites.
Our words are backed with random interweb statistics.
That is because Finland = Winland.
Also, you wasted 100GET.
I thought 4chan /b/ was saturated with Floridians like myself.
Not to say that I use 4chan /b/. <_<
Me, I'm Irish! (Well. Half Irish, half English, currently living in Northern Ireland...still Irish, because I say so :p)
From Japan here!
OK. Beat this: Quetzaltenango, Guatemala ^^.
Spanish (living in UK though)
I'm from Perú (peruvian), and live in Spain.
I'm from England :)
Indiana, United States, Planet earth
I'm from The Netherlands >:3
The great thing about the Internet is that we're all the same here, no nationality, no skin color or anything else to bring us apart.
>>112 liberal fag. go vote for clinton.
i am furom doitsurando desu!
i'm from san jose, costa rica
Alexandria, Virginia
I am also from Tralee, wow never thought id see another on here.
i'm from moravia, costa rica....we r 2 now mate
Mexico here. Nice to meet you all, amigos ^^
There are more irish around, such as me!
Indonesia... (^_^)
clearwater, florida, usa
From the internets. Russian ones.
I am from Australia.
South Australia to be more exact (it is a state of Australia)
I guess I am the first Australian to reply to your thread ^_^
United States, California, San Francisco.
Oklahoma, United States
Mesa, Arizona, United States of America
I'm not from where >>137 is from.
AND I'm not from where >>138 is from!!!!
San Francisco, CA, USA, aka "the only part of California I can stand."
I am from the internet.
From Odessa, Ukraine
Currently residing in the Intertubes.
I am from Glasgow, Scotland. Are there any other Scots here, or am I all alone with the sassenachs?
I'm also from Glasgow, but now live in Dublin, on the emerald isle. Which is only called 'the emerald isle' because all the plants are so green and thriving because it rains so much. Dammit.
Mexican here,
Living in Melbourne, Victoria, Austrlia
greetings from Vilnius,the capital of Lithuania :)
I might be from where >>140 is from
San Francisco California
Perth, Western Australia - the most isolated city in the world
The logistics of this are mind-boggling.
it's near deviant art.
I see.
Never noticed The Lonely Island was mapped out on there.
las vegas, nevada! sin city baby!
... its not as nice as it sounds.
Melbourne, Australia.
Melbourne, Australia.