I've got pains in my clicking finger from internetting too much. I assume it's carpal tunnel or AIDS.
stop masturbating so much
For your protection: Thread closed due to AIDS
I always mix bold and italic :S
how do I got bold text?
How do I get italics?
>>stop masturbating so much
or at least start using lotion so you don't get rug-burns on your hand ( ゚━゚)
use condom while you click your mouse..tehehehe.. XD..
Get out.
use condom while you click your mouse..tehehehe.. XD..
( ゚Д゚)<GTFO! >>14 Σ(´Д`lll)
Your right hand is cheating on you. Suggest filing for Divorce.
your right hand will be your only best friend.. wwwww!!!!!
Tsk, tsk
use condom while you click your mouse..tehehehe.. XD..