Google buys YouTube. (40)

20 Name: 408 - Name Request Timeout : 2022-07-29 21:24 ID:FLY5AOha

Until a year or two ago you could bypass the age restriction by changing the link to embedded (or just use yt-dlp, mpvā€¦). Now it's a hard wall requiring log in. In many countries this requires phone numbers, credit cards, documents. Fuck that. Getting your video age restricted nowadays means the video is fucking dead. (Not even because people care about privacy, but simply because a huge chunk of users are kids)

I if ever do a YouTube channel it won't be on YouTube at all. I would unironically do this these days:

  • Put the list of released videos on a Tor or Lokinet website. (Subscribing done with RSS)
  • Host the video files on IPFS or BitTorrent. (Both are video-streamable BTW. No need to wait for a download to complete)
  • Monetize with Monero (all other cryptocurrencies are actually not private or anonymous) donations and by having a Patreon type section on the site, not to mention sponsorships just like already on YT. (Patreon has been banning a lot of people too over all sorts of really dumb bullshit, and I'm still in awe of how these people insist on not getting into a self hosted cryptocurrency solution and instead insist on staying victimized by chasing an alternative platform which is exact same as Patreon and will end up doing the exact same thing to them all over again)
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