Google buys YouTube. (40)

27 Name: 403 - Name Forbidden : 2023-03-17 15:18 ID:UYbXTOX0

I vaguely remember around 2009-2010 or so, YouTube wanted to institute a no swearing policy on all uploaded videos, needless to say, this didn't go over well, and they ended up dialing that back after so many complained about it. Yeah, it started going bad not too long after Google bought them.

I had my reservations about how the (then-new) trends and developments were where the web as a whole was "centralizing" and most traffic was feeding into just a few giant sites. Most people didn't care since things became a lot more convenient from the much more fragmented days of the 90s when you needed three different media players installed in order to view any videos and audio files you might have come across. I wish things would become fragmented like that again, although I don't miss all the extra software and plugins that were needed.

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