Where did you come from Cotton-Eye Joe? (15)

1 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2007-03-27 03:18 ID:hA4B9BU/ This thread was merged from the former /net/ board. You can view the archive here.

2 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2007-03-27 15:08 ID:e357ZPbf

Well, /b/ killed itself. As much as it sucks, it's going to be the chemo that stops /b/ dying from cancer altogether. Painful, with side effects of hairloss, but in the end, necessary.

3 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2007-03-27 15:55 ID:vvrqHXHZ


Snacks is back for real! Banhammer and all!

4 Name: fdarsafarg !zxYK.pzcL. : 2007-03-27 21:44 ID:Heaven

People who whine about the lack of forced anon need to go back to Gaia.

5 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2007-03-28 16:01 ID:vvrqHXHZ


I liked forced anon but I hate Gaia

6 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2007-05-10 19:10 ID:VRT5BgFp

I don't know if you noticed but Forced Anonymous didn't improve things. In fact, things felt worse!

For example, back in the day it was easy to spot the shitty posters because, more often then not, they were namefags or tripfags. Like the Amorous Anonymous shitheel that spent two or so nights acting holier then thou.

And going back further, Psaiyan. Fuck Psaiyan in his virgin ass. And Dash Billions.

Well, also, users felt less inclined towards epic and funny, for some goddamn reason. Shit like Desu only started appearing after forced anonymous.

And it seemed like there was less flashing backgrounds and music. /b/ needs moar flashing backgrounds and music. And bans. There were less bans as well.

Also; cocks.

7 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2007-05-11 13:05 ID:dZFiyFC4

Today I got duckrolled twice.


8 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2007-05-14 16:59 ID:vvrqHXHZ

WTF was with /b/ on Mother's Day?

9 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2007-05-14 20:21 ID:1gryCo8P

moot hates /b/

10 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2007-05-17 16:22 ID:vvrqHXHZ

moot seems to think if he fucks /b/ up enough it will get better.

It's like kicking a sick person.

11 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2007-05-17 20:24 ID:V/4bRvCH

4chanarchive sucks for removing the flashing colors and background music from the thread.

12 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2007-05-25 14:01 ID:Heaven

Are you new to /b/ or something?

13 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2007-05-25 21:18 ID:Heaven

>>12 GB2/b

14 Post deleted.

15 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2017-01-10 23:12 ID:YX5qkmtj

10 years later it's still shit

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