People who use 4chan/internet memes in real life are annoying! (188)

104 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-08-05 08:43 ID:eEPt6Mvs

This really struck a chord with me. Earlier this evening I had about an hour or so to kill and posted a question I did not expect a particularly serious reply to on /b/ just for shits and giggles. Naturally, I kept the wording ambiguous, figuring I could elicit some funny responses and not get flamed too badly. I got a bunch of the usual "take it in the pooper" and the latest "Dial Soap" meme, but there were some legitimately good, insightful--hell, enlightened!--responses too. Honestly, two of the folks I was writing back in forth with? I would've gladly kept up contact if I had time to create an alternative e-mail account before the mods clipped my thread at about 100 or so posts.

But as far as people that actually shout memes in public? I've met a few at conventions and they are really bizarre and usually incredibly desperate for attention. One of which was doing 4chan -cosplay- and, at age 23, pursued a then 16-year-old friend of mine. He started dating her (despite my warnings), mocking her ethnicity (she is of mixed race), and going so far as to break down her confidence in the tiniest ways-- saying she smelled awful, her appearance disgusted him, her voice was harsh, etc. The guy was a creep and a pedophile. Ultimately, she dropped him in a week or so.

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