People who use 4chan/internet memes in real life are annoying! (188)

142 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2008-04-01 22:27 ID:yNRan+ub

Oh god, I agree so hard.

Once while in a mall, a friend of mine saw a picture of a black guy on a DVD or something and thought it would be funny to say "Pool's closed due to AIDS". Granted, they didn't yell it or anything, and it was before 4chan got as stupidly popular as it is now, but I chewed them out pretty good nonetheless.

It especially bothers me when people use memes without realizing where they came from or why they're funny. I used to frequent /b/ because people were generally witty. In a stupid, jerk-off sort of way, but they were amusing.

Chanology was basically the final sign that 4chan has become a total shithole, though I think the Fox thing was when it really started going to hell. Half the fun of 4chan was originally how sort of... secret it was? You felt like you were in some sort of SPECIAL CLUB or something. That's why rules 1 and 2 existed; to keep idiots from finding out about 4chan, and to keep you from sounding like a retard.

But yeah, since Project Chanology? Even my parents know about Anonymous. And the thing is that protesting Scientology is a worthy cause, but no-one can take us seriously about it. The masks are great, maybe, and a couple of inside jokes among the Anon are funny, but shouting about mudkips at a church that has no idea what the fuck you're talking about? Incredibly retarded.

TL;DR: Dumb people suck and if you're going to protest do it properly.

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