People who use 4chan/internet memes in real life are annoying! (188)

143 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2008-04-02 04:05 ID:Heaven

The decent posters lost control of /b/ within a couple months, it used to be that you would see great numbers of people posting against meme spamming saying things to the effect of 'it isn't funny, let's keep making original stuff, etc.'. Interesting huh, /b/ (or some of its users) was AGAINST memes at one point. Really it supports the idea of an image board where the theme is "random".

Actually I never really spent much time in /b/, but I remember when the site got popular all of the boards got infected with the mindset of /b/. To the memespamming idiot, 4chan IS /b/. So going back to the topic at hand, memes ruin the internet just as much as real life.

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