People who use 4chan/internet memes in real life are annoying! (188)

21 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-04-17 02:27 ID:c24YHaRW

I thought I myself was a hardcore Net addict; I know my way around, I've seen memes live and die, etc. But I always I try to make sure whatever's on the net doesn't tag along with me in real life. And I thought other people would do the same.

Then, of course, reality kicked me in the ass, as it always does.

I got to know one person in real life who sighs not by swooning or sighing out "Uh...", but by SAYING the word "sigh" out loud. I thought that was pathetic enough. Then I found out that when she laughs, she goes "LOL".

We really need someone who can clean up the gene pool. Neo-Hitlers or something. (Ooh, only 21 posts and Godwin's laws are already taking place.)

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