People who use 4chan/internet memes in real life are annoying! (188)

94 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-07-27 03:39 ID:nOp7r3iw

Unfunny is redundant meme. (I actually like the reduant meme, actually!)

I was planning on coming here and saying I don't use any memes offline, but that was before I went to work today. When i got in this morning, I was the only one there. There was a wet floor sign out, and someone had taped a paper to it with a drawinf of a stick man kicking the wet floor stick man, shouting, "This is SPARTAAA!!"

So I grabbed a pen real quick and wrote gb2/b/ on it. (I'm aware the joke is outside of /b/, and perhaps, for a creative person, outside of the internet...But I couldn't think of what else to write.)

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