The *chans and people there (7)

1 Name: Katamari Bowl : 2007-10-07 21:09 ID:oqLRSkPx This thread was merged from the former /net/ board. You can view the archive here.

I've been to a few *chan imageboards and stuff I've seen there... let's say I wish I didn't see some of it, ok? :) But this looks ok, here I could find my place.

My question is: What do the rest of you think about these types of forums/imageboards? How do the English imageboards differ from Japanese imageboards?

2 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2007-10-08 01:30 ID:x6wjbQCP

4-ch actually isn't in that culture.

Japanese image and text boards are different from English boards in that they actually discuss things without acting like an ass like they do at say 4chan.

3 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2007-10-08 03:19 ID:pH4M2b8Y

> I wish I didn't see some of it

Too late, you can't unsee it.

> Japanese image and text boards are different from English boards in that they actually discuss things without acting like an ass

There is the heated controversy regarding whether Nanking Massacre happened actually or not among historian groups. This incident called "Nanking Massacre" is thought to have occured in December of 1937 during Japan-Sino War. Nanking was the then capital city of China. Nanking was fallen by Japanese troops on Dec.13 of 1937. At that time, Chinese Army could not express any intention to surrender to Japanese Army. Though Chiang Kai-sheki commanding Army of Chinese Nationalist Party ordered Chinese soldiers to strive to defend Nanking from Japanese Army, he secretly escpaed from Nanking by plain on Dec.7, 1 week before the fall of Nanking and he left Chinese Army behind. There was Tang Shengzhi appointed 'the commander of Nanking' by Chiang Kai-sheki, however, he also escpaed from Nanking with leaving Chinese soldeirs behind. When Japanese troops entered Nanking castle, Chinese Army without the commander was fell into confusion. Most of Chinese soldiers abandoned arms, changed into cibvilian's clothes and ran into the safty zone in Nanking.

4 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2007-10-08 03:23 ID:pH4M2b8Y

Also, corean eat dog, uncivilised people made civil by noble imperial japanese army.
2-ch has whole boards dedicated to anti-korean/chinese sentiment. Really.

5 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2007-10-08 05:16 ID:CWt2iYea

I think that image boards are alright, and I frequent a few a lot (4chan, 7chan, kochan, etc.). I love the anonymous aspect. I like 4-ch a lot because it is for straight actual discussion. I'm not saying that there isn't actual discussion at places like 4chan, but in 4-ch, we seem to stay on topic and be more serious a lot more. This would change if we became a lot more popular, yet it does save us from a lot of problems (CP, thread derailing, porn floods, etc.), so we have to worry about a lot less.

Like >>2 said, 4-ch really isn't in the image board culture. 4-ch still has some of the original japanese memes intact (although I have noticed that it is seemingly starting to go away if only a little, which is good because we need to get out of our 2ch 'dependency' for culture).

Anyways, I think the faster that 4-ch weens off of 2ch's culture and gets some of it's own, we will be much more better off and probably attract a lot more people. I digress though, because I have gone a lot off topic. FIN.

6 Name: Katamari Bowl : 2007-10-08 06:29 ID:fRYARs60


I noticed the difference the moment I set foot on 4-ch - noticeable lack of CP and all the other things. I like that a lot, I've been searching for a forum/board where one can stick to a topic and discuss it.


> "Anyways, I think the faster that 4-ch weens off of 2ch's culture and gets some of it's own, we will be much more better off and probably attract a lot more people."

Japanese are different than any other culture I saw. You are right in that we should find our own way because we, westerners, really don't fit into Japanese mindset. As I read more of this board I see it's doing quite well, but I do need to "lurk moar" :D

7 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2018-05-30 01:18 ID:5i5cCiD+

  1. What is the Japanese mindset?
  2. What is the Western mindset?

How can we make a global mindset?

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