I am [i]very[/i] sick of having to think before I post! I want to know when I can post for myself! After all, aren't I a member of the community? Don't I count?
This applies to all boards, and including nonworking formatting is an element of my protest.
Formatting works, you don't know how to make it work because you haven't read the FAQ.
What can you >>1 do without thinking first? I don't think I can do anything without doing it first.
>I don't think I can do anything without doing it first.
I think you meant "without thinking first" ... oddly reminded of Zeno's paradox.
Zeno? What is that some kind of pokemon or something?
>>3 Nah, you don't get it; the formatting would only he work if he had thought about it before posting.
This thread appears to be very deep, intellectually.
Don't think, feel.
Just go with your gut
I'm sick of having to feel before I post!
Sensation is a postindustrial bourgeoisie social construct
Don't feel either
I'm sick of having!
I'm sick!
Good for you.
The cure is not here anon, you need to look somewhere else. Perhaps somewhere closer or perhaps somewhere far away.