Quality Music Discussion (1)

1 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2015-05-03 01:33 ID:OKoKHmrk This thread was merged from the former /net/ board. You can view the archive here.

If you look hard enough through the archive, you'll find there some pretty interesting content on 4chan's /mu/ board that doesn't really seem present on other popular forums, like Reddit or, well, not many other sites are worth mentioning. I don't think any other sites ever discuss niche interests, like denpa, avantgarde, and harsh noise, and not with such diverse perspectives. It's hard to find good sites when you have to make a profile in order to view the discussion. The music board on this site is practically dead. Is it possible to find another place that is both devoted to music comparable in terms of diversity? Or should I just start posting more frequently on the music board and hope more people stumble upon it?

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