I'm an imageboard and online communities otaku (297)

4 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2015-08-12 19:16 ID:2dTV60dU

So many Russian and Fetish chans. What could possibly be going on in here?
Ah well, time for prodding around.

Why does this focus so much on /b/? Its not the only board on the website.

7chan:"Its full of new people"
Actually its just dead now. When was the last time this description was updated?

I don't really understand this part about non-sequiturs and meme culture. Sounds hypocritical, actually.

Why did you star this?
I mean, its a self contained website. If they want to use a trip and forget the anonymity part, that's fine. Still, why did you star this?

While I disagree with spamming the website link, they actually bought ads on 4chan. The ads then got taken down by moot, who seems to have a unhealthy obsession with having the biggest imageboard at this point.
And his new administration seems to share that trait, too.

Also, weren't you meant to write /g/ instead of /tech/?

"When I initially saw the site, I mistook it for a honeypot, if that gives you any impression of what the site is like"
It likely is an actual honeypot, mate.
People claim to come form that website sometimes and they even have some culture of their own, but even considering that it smells too much like honeypot.

Note the heavy /co/ leanings, this is another chan like lainchan and operatorchan.

Okay I'm getting to the bottom of this mess. Now the textboard section remains-- I'll check it later.
I have a small question for the thread OP. Did you remove the websites you liked? You mostly attack imageboards on their descriptions, but you did say that you liked some of them and regretted linking to them.

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