look at this list I made
You included .71 but didn't include http://skyqueen.cc/wish/ ? It's still pretty active.
I'm still sad that iichan is gone. So many textboards are lost in time, like tears in the rain.
You did a great job OP! I started a project similar to yours at http://8ch.net/newspaper but you got so much more boards than I did.
if you are going to give me criticism, or suggest a site, please read the Google Docs version first
>>42,45 Here's something that might do for you:
/neet/, a new textboard to add -- 4x13.net/neet/
I am responsible for the return of /neet/.
Oops, Google Docs doesn't work that well on a mobile browser so Tanobb didn't show up when searching the page
http://www.anon\\c.c\\talk.eu/ (remove the \\c.c\\ after 'anon')
Have you considered contributing to bibanon? https://github.com/bibanon/bibanon/wiki
Kimmo Alms! Long time no see! I thought you ragequit the internet. But you're still spammin' eh?
I'm not sure how that counts as spam.
is a Taiwanese board and not a Japanese board like you wrote.
What the hell is this place? It's like a carbon copy of 4chan, but without any posters. Can somebody explain the history here, or who runs the site? I see only scarce info in >>1's summary.
The twitter account is also weird. It gives the impression that the website is somehow hip and happening: twitter @4ctorg (can't link directly due to spam filter)
I guess it's a bit rich posting about this on 4-ch, which is also quite devoid of posters, but at least nobody is in denial about that.
Same with textboards /newpol/, and /tele/. There's probably some other boards too.
/vip/ too.
It is primarily a textboard. And it does good job at that.
Hihi, thanks for mentioning 4x13!
Please make sure to include a revision to http://4x13.net/bbs/ in your next update. Unlike Tablecat (tablecat BBS), Post Office (emanon BBS), and 4-ch (kareha), it runs iyagi BBS, a public-domain textboard script written in Python 3.
iyagi allows for sticky, lock, stickylock, and permasages; it also has a [yt] tag for youtube embed.
nobody cares about your shit board tokiko you ugly faggot
https://lolcow.farm/ is an offshore imageboard of hambeasts from /cgl/
there's a girl talk board that's pretty entertaining to read, it's like reading someones diary
im going through a lot of these chans and there's quite a few that have a ridiculous amount of boards for such little posters, it's really retarded
>>72 something feels off about that imageboard, but I just can't put my finger on it.
It feels like some unholy union between tumblr and yotsuba.
Probably because girl culture, with females amongst females.
The tone of passive aggressive vitriol unnerves me. I could get it if it were mainly just a thing for insulting detestable SJWs and tumblr users, but it seems like a more general thing. Girls nipping away little bits of each others flesh.
I was going to give a remark about how 4-ch didn't like imageboards in general but I actually went to that website.
I think I understand >>75 now.
This site have a problem with people taking joking posts too seriously.
too many boards is a major mistake of the amateur channel operator. don't split the userbase, don't force them to visit 3 or 4 boards on your site to find 1 or 2 good threads. anonymous boards are on the way out
just dropping this off here, seems appropriate.
>>80 hey tokiko i have a joke for you, what has orange eyeballs and is never late?
That's a tough one! Not you, I hope!
>>82 a clockwork orange! bahaha
Don't forget 4taba.net
saw this on the wakaba /sup/ and thought it was pretty cozy
not much to it but the themes are a unique addition
Does anybody know a site where you answer people's question and then getting to ask your own after making a reply? It's not exactly a chan but the atmosphere is its own, distinct. I recall seeing threads from 2006 so I guess it's been around.
Not quite. But this is good too
Has 0037's site died? Been down for me for a couple hours already.
I think it's dead. Maybe Avery Morrow finally noticed the threads about himself and went full autism?
Are there any decent(and hopefully active) /a/ spinoffs out there?
can anyone tell me how do i send sms on any mobile phone anonymously ???
Any place for politics?
New BBS:
It was http://justcurio.us/, must have missed it when I went through the list.
Sorry I meant to ask,
Why does everything guhnoo come up with some sort of false positive?
4ct.org is dead I think
Chinese imageboard!
would use it but freech is full of retards who still use /intl/
http://tohno-chan.com is pretty cool.
1chan is closing for good...
holy shit
anyway i found this chan that not many people know about http://3chan.ml/
Disappointing, though I'm actually surprised it was around for so long.
it has recently came back
there old host shut the site down without notice and all of the data was lost
I never frequented the place, but it's always just kinda been there. At the periphery. Waiting for me.
Some oldschool shit.
1Chan gone is a big deal. I really feel each of these nails in the coffin.
Archive of 1chan before it got took down https://archive.org/details/1chan
chan graveyeard on a dead chan...
thatdog seems to have deleted his post explaining the shutdown in detail. Basically posting was disabled sometime in April for technical reasons and I guess he decided that it wasn't worth maintaining anymore because of how few users there were. The site was officially closed on July 1st. On July 4th he posted a link to an 8ch.pl version of /rail/.
/o/ is mad as hell and they're not gonna take this anymore.
Not a Imageboard but YTMND.com is going down.
why is everything dying?
Huh, what do you mean? I can't find any mention of it closing down. Or do you mean something else by "going down"?
Max as announced that ytmnd is "no longer profitable and will likely go down"
This is not even mentioning that he is tired of the whole thing.
>“Besides being a time capsule I don’t really see a reason for it to continue to exist... It seems like the internet has moved on,” he pauses, sounding overwhelmed. “And I’ve moved on too. I don’t have much interest in the site beyond it being good memories.”
Those words hit home for so many things online, don't they. I am positively shocked it's still around even now. It is firmly part of the net that is at least a decade past it's usefulness.
I really feel it. Those days have finally come to pass. All those things are merely a part of the past now.
I also received word a few days ago that idlechan.net, the project to continue the legacy of the iichan/Wakachan network, is shutting down, effectively ending it's 12 year run. The longest lived 4chan alternative gone. Now that one makes me feel old.
That would seem to be the case
The funny thing is that the Russian iichan (Ычан) is still up, thank God I know Russian.
tfw i dont know russian
At least /azu/ lives on
/azu/ and 4chan/c/ are like the last places to get a steady stream of Azumanga images. I'd be real sad to see them go.
And now 8ch is hacked and down. Wonder what's gonna come of this.
8ch is garbage anyways.
it's like reddit but worse.
chiru.no has a decent list of sites by the way.
Rip, 4/5 of the links in this thread I've clicked no longer resolve DNS.
With 4ch included I like these best.